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Finderscope upgrade

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Hi - I've just purchased my SW 130P-DS and am already finding that the stock 6x30 finderscope is literally a pain in the neck.

Is it possible to get a diagonal to fit it, and even if it is, is the best option just to upgrade properly to something like http://www.firstlightoptics.com/finders/skywatcher-9x50-right-angled-erecting-finderscope.html ?

Thanks for reading.

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I don't think you can easily - somebody please correct me if I am wrong. You would have to shorten the tube as the right angle is longer than the 'straight through' finder to achieve focus. Requires a fair bit of DIY!

You have to purchase a right angled finder like the one you linked to. I actually have that particular finder and it is very good.

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wulliam.......I have a 9x50 Straight through and I find it easy to use. I considered fitting a RA adaptor, but was advised that I would just have to replace the whole finder scope for another one, leaving the original redundant.  If your just looking to make peering into the finder easier, then you may just need to buy another whole finder, ensuring that the base can be secured to the OTA in the same place. 

Now if you don't need to wear glasses. ie your eyes are good, why not consider removing the original finder and fitting a Telrad at half the price of your new Finder scope?

I could not focus the reticules  on the Telrad without wearing my glasses, but with  glasses on, it worked fine. But if you don't need any correction, A Telrad is a great option to upgrade. FLO have one here http://www.firstlightoptics.com/finders/telrad-finder-astronomy.html  I got mine from here,  http://www.365astronomy.com/finder-guider-and-polarscopes-telrad-finder-c-4_30_382.html

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Now if you don't need to wear glasses. ie your eyes are good, why not consider removing the original finder and fitting a Telrad at half the price of your new Finder scope?

I could not focus the reticules  on the Telrad without wearing my glasses, but with  glasses on, it worked fine.

But if you don't need any correction, A Telrad is a great option to upgrade.

Thanks for your thoughts Charic,

My sight is awful and I wear glasses all the time.

But I'm not clear on whether this is a problem with a Telrad. Your first line suggests it is an issue...the second suggests glasses are fine...the third suggests again that it's a problem.

My main issue, however, is just straining to see straight through - the diagonal would I think make things much easier. Presumably the Telrad is just for viewing straight through?

If the Telrad is an option then I like the look of it

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I guess it all depends on each individual.

I have really poor eyesight and wear glasses all the time but have upgraded the finder on my c8 to a telrad and the finders my 127mak and st80 to the 9x50 and don't have any problems with them.

Alot, lot better than the 6x30.

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wulliam.......Sorry for any confusion. The Telrad works fine.

I don't wear glasses when using telescope eyepieces, as the telescope corrects my eyes for me ( try yourself ) But in order to see the Telrad reticule, I could only focus on the reticule If I wore my glasses. I chose not to keep applying my glasses, and also the reach of the Telrad, being mounted the far side of the original finder scope, and it being a "Straight through" system  just meant that I had to lean across a little further to align myself with the focuser.

If you have to wear glasses all the time, I'm sure it will work ok for you.

I then decided to sell and was made an immediate offer, so the Telrad received new ownership, and a facelift, to make it smaller and more convenient. you can see it here http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/207665-telrad-v-rigel-advice-please/#entry2216473  This makes for a smaller footprint for the finder so it can be positioned anywhere!

Also with a straight through finder, keep both eyes open! you`ll be surprised how easier it is?  If the Telrad worked without my glasses, I would have rid the original finder and mounted the Telrad instead and only the Telrad, don't see the need for two finders, unless your 2 AA batteries expire during a session?

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This is all very helpful - I think the 9x50 right-angles finderscope is the first thing for me, possibly followed by a Telrad :)

Thanks for your help.

Personally I'd reverse that priority. I use a Rigel Quikfinder which functions in a very similar way to the Telrad but it's more compact. I also have an 8x50 right angle correct image (RACI) finder. On many occasions I find I can get on perfectly well with just the Quikfinder. It's nice to have the optical finder for some object types but it's not quite as essential as a Quikfinder / Telrad, from my experience.

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You can pick up a RACI (Right angle correct image) finder secondhand for around £40-£45...if you sell your 30mm for around £10-15 it should make it more affordable. I use a Stellar Vue Raci finder and wouldn't be without it :-)



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I started off with the standard straight through finder with my 200p and persuaded myself that I needed an RACI. To be honest, I didn't find a great deal of improvement. I've now fitted the finder from my TAL2, which is a brilliant finder.

I must say however that since fitting a Telrad, I find I'm not using the finder much at all.


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