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3D End Cap Printing

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I am missing the odd end cap, I am sure others are too... The 2” or 1.25” ends aren't a problem as they are a regular size, but the business ends can be very variable...

Has any one thought about 3D printing replacements? Would they work? Would they be too stiff?

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Oh. :D

Then in answer to your questions.

Hypothetically, no, possibly, maybe. ;)

Sorry I can't help.

My only thought is whether it would be a financially sensible solution. But I suppose, if they are unavailable otherwise, it might be worth considering. :)

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Talking theoretically, I would have thought it was just the sort of thing that 3D printing was designed for.  Quite a simple shape and single colour so even a basic printer would be able to do it.  But low volume as they are quite variable as you say.

As a business model you would buy the design online and download it, then print it off locally either at home or a local print shop ( in the way we once went to a shop to get photocopies done).  Think of all the postage, travel miles, packaging , CO2 etc. saved.    

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It's not only possible but already being done....


Ok, so the link above isn't for an eyepiece cap, but you get the idea. I suspect, however, that it would be quite costly for even a very basic single end cap & would probably be cheaper to try & get an original replacement direct from the eyepiece manufacturer. It's still a relatively new technology so I'm sure it will become a less costly process in the near future. I sense a business opportunity here - see you on Dragon's Den  :grin:

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Hello there,

Shapeways has nice machines (SLS, SLA...) that can do stuff typical home FDM/FFF printers using plastic fillament can not do, but the price for parts are higher then the typical DIY prints. 15-30€/12-24gbp per Kilogram ABS or PLA.

There even is rubbery PLA now, so it would really be possible.

Some eypieces I have come with hard plastic caps, and those should definitely be possible to print.

Only things I could find so far is http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:8450



I allready thought about printing some eyepiece caps as I lost a few. But my printers are currently standing in the school I teach 3d printing at, so I do not get to print as frequently as I used to :-)

I did print a bunch of things for astronomy, camera adapters and such,




...and as soon as I get around to it, I will print some eyepiece covers.

I quickly estimated the printing cost of a bottom cover: 4-5 Cent :-)

Edited by Schorhr
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  • 8 years later...

I've printed several and they are all fine.  Slow print and small layer depth and make sure any rough or loose bits are smoothed down and it's fine.
I recently printed this which fits in the polar scope hole on my NEQ6 Pro and supports my power and data hubs.




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