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First attempt with the C9.25

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About 2 and a half years ago I took my first webcam images with my then setup, a 127 MAK and an SPC880 webcam, and managed some ok images. After selling the MAK and webcams and purchasing the C9.25 I have never had another go at imaging. Last August I received the QHY 5LII colour cam for my birthday but never got around to having a go.

Finishing work early on Good Friday I decided with the forecast looking ok, tonight would be the night to have another go at imaging. After setting up the scope and polar aligning as good as I could I set about getting the QHY working with Sharpcap. I had a great few hours a captured around 40Gb of AVI of Jupiter, Saturn and Mars.

On Saturday afternoon with Registax downloaded and an hour of reading as much information on its use as I could I had a go at getting some images. I was not that confident as during image capture the atmospheric distortion was very bad the image fluctuated from a complete fuzzy blob to something resembling a planet. After processing I must say I am amazed and now have definitely got the bug back. Cannot wait to get out again.




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Really fantastic work sir!! I would adjust the white balance for they are just a bit yellowish/greenish in tint. Besides that bravo!!!!

Thanks Leveye, this might be a daft question but do I adjust white balance while taking the AVI or whilst processing it?

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three very nice images congratulations! as knobby said the colour is subjective.

the Mars image looks pretty good to me. the Saturn i think probably has more detail you could tease out of it still. i like the original jupiter to be honest more, it looks a little sharper to me.

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three very nice images congratulations! as knobby said the colour is subjective.

the Mars image looks pretty good to me. the Saturn i think probably has more detail you could tease out of it still. i like the original jupiter to be honest more, it looks a little sharper to me.

I should add, the colour edit was just to give an idea .

Did it on my phone with pic shop lite so it probably lost resolution :-)

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I should add, the colour edit was just to give an idea .

Did it on my phone with pic shop lite so it probably lost resolution :-)

crikey i struggle to edit on a laptop, you have done extremely well! colour is such a tricky thing to get correct, if there is such a thing as correct!

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