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Hello from Orkney.


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I would like to say hello, and I go under the name of Nabban, it's actually the house name. I live on Orkney, and occassionally I get the odd clear patch of sky with no wind, so observations are mainly done rarely. I have had a good look at the site, liked what I saw, so am looking forward to getting involved. Got my, sorry should have said "made" my first scope back in about '63 when still at school from a specticle lense, focal length about 28" and a bundle of smaller lenses for the ep. Cobbled the lot together in a wooden box / tube. Jupiter was the first "star". Took me a while to find out what it was. Then for the next 30 odd years , i just used my eyes or a pair of 10 X 50 bins. 2 years ago got the 80mm f5 scope, started to look again and learn the sky. Picked the 3" refrac up in the small adds locally, cheap as chips. ( Got a crown / flint glass Ob.) hand made. Brass ep's. Still got to sort out a decent mount for it , came with a home made wooden alt mount.

then i was given the reflector last year by a friend who said it was no good as the images were upside down, and to heavy and complicated for bird watching!!! every cloud has a silver lining.

Quite a long intro, her indoors says I should quit whilst I am behind?

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Yes if and when we get clear skies, its pretty good, but we suffer from light pollution just as else where. With oil terminal in Scapa Flow, I think they are scared of the dark, and then I have three small towns, actually I am being rude Kirkwall is classed as a city, but witha total population of just under 20,000 for the island group, I will leave you guess how big it is. Although saying that, the lights are only a pest in a small part of the sky. Overhead on a good night is great. But the last week has had a few clear nights, but with wind speeds gusting to 40 / 50 mph, keeping a scope steady is not an easy task, apart from the comfort zone. I am getting soft.

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