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Link to someone else's work - Just wondering

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Looks like they have highlighted the nebulosity that is present there, also take with a reflector from the presence of 4 diffraction spikes. Not sure the nebulosity is actually quite as localised to the vacinity of the stars as it is shown.

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Thanks and WOw, you guys are FAST!

Maybe I'm tired but I know I am a bit overwhelmed (in a good way) with AP now.

I just have to stay with the basics and take it from there.

Only the basics are... overwhelming or something like that.

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Looks like they have highlighted the nebulosity that is present there, also take with a reflector from the presence of 4 diffraction spikes. Not sure the nebulosity is actually quite as localised to the vacinity of the stars as it is shown.

My Maksutov reflector has no defraction spikes.

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Olly I really hate you sometimes

you have some amazing images I can only dream of :)

Yeah, Olly, I don't know you but I hate you.


Thanks so much for sharing. I can't get enough of this stuff.

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