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Moon Piccies - The Sword's Edge


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Here are my lunar efforts from about a week ago. I'm calling this little mix of pics "The Sword's Edge" because I'm loving using my Edge HD8 scope on the moon, and my favourite lunar feature from this session was the sword shape which the Straight Wall forms the blade of (fourth picture down), it was a beautiful feature to see  :cool:  For each image, I recorded 2,500 frames and stacked around 20-25% of them.






9th March, 2014
Edge 8", Grasshopper 3 (ICX687), red filter

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Thanks, all :)

Ben, I used a Grasshopper 3 video camera, with the Sony ICX687 chip. It's a lovely camera, though I have not used other cameras like the DMK's, so I don't know how it compares.

Erik, no problem!

Michael, the red filter seems to help though my one has an IR-cut, which is handy for my ED80 as that struggles with IR light, but I think I might be better off with a red + IR pass for my SCT, which I think is called a red long-pass?

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