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Editing a Post?

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You need to get to 250 posts for the edit button to appear.

So best advice is read carefully before hitting the Post button, although I find that no matter how much I read and reread I miss several stupid typo's and errors.

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Yes please Admin, lift this restriction down to something half sensible. 

By 20 posts we have all proved we are not spammers/trolls and other nefarious folk.

But we can all make typos or maybe need to add something to a post.

250 posts is a bit steep.



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Rich, this decision was not taken light heartedly I assure you.

It is not about spamming, but rather a way to solve a current missing feature on the board.

In the past we have found that topics can become heated and some users, in the past, have made a comment and edited it out later meaning we cannot moderate efficiently. In previous versions of the board there was an edit history which meant we could monitor any infractions.

The limit was deemed a suitable level by admin and supplemented with a time restriction to further prevent abuse by the minority.

I trust you understand.

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There was a problem in the past of people putting up or replying to something in a somewhat hostile manner. Then they deleted their post. Unfortunately the way the software operated, and I think still does, meant that by the time someone came along to see who had said what the post had gone.

I have to say I had no ecperience of such and never saw anything.

However after some thought the decision was if you didn't have 250 posts then you couldn't edit.

50 posts (+ 1 month) as per seeing the For Sale section may seem better but I suppose someone who was patient could wait that long and in reality if you make a regular post the number soon adds up to 50. I have seen over time people hit 50 within the first month.

Difficult in a way to get a balance, as all it needs is one person to go off in a rant then delete and it is back to sqaure 1.

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I suspect that sometimes people just "blow".

Will say I have likely come close and I now tend to reread my posts before hitting Post a lot.

Quite a lot I simply decide to hit the back button instead and walk away.

Two areas tend to be the old topic of "Global Warming" and I have see ones on GLP's go a bit wild.

One other topic as well just cannot recall what, you can watch them wind up to exploding point.

They tend to have opposing views that will never be reconciled. :rolleyes:

Seen cleaning lens/mirrors get close.

Similar topics cause much the same reaction on forums elsewhere.

Mention GLP's on CN and the post is WATCHED closely by their mods. :eek:

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Its generally possible to mix all the letters of a word except the 1st and Last and the brain should still be able to read what has been typed if you read it fast?  I myself use Notepad to edit, check, then post. Still make the odd spelling or grammar error, but just got used to using notepad, even though I can edit now after 250 attempts? 

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The phaonmneel pweor of the hmuan mnid: I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearcr at Cmagbride Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers of a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.

The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?

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I'd rather see posts not editable at all.  I see that as preferable to people editing contentious posts after there have been replies.  I've seen this happen on groups where unrestricted editing is allowed (not this one).


But that is easy to prevent, simply use the quote feature,  the OP can't edit someone else's post.

@ Lee, I do understand the need for 'a restriction' it's just that 250 is a bit steep IMHO, rather implies that we are all being tarred with the same undesirable brush.

Still it is what it is.



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But that is easy to prevent, simply use the quote feature,  the OP can't edit someone else's post.

@ Lee, I do understand the need for 'a restriction' it's just that 250 is a bit steep IMHO, rather implies that we are all being tarred with the same undesirable brush.

Still it is what it is.



I make lots of Typos, think I may have edited a post once. However it wouldn't bother me if it was not there.

What would be nice is to be able to move a post to another forum for where you post it wrong or helpfully point out to someone where they may get a better answer.

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By 20 posts we have all proved we are not spammers/trolls and other nefarious folk.

To be fair, I can edit my posts now and I'm pretty nefarious. My 'net handle also gets censored by the content filter - probably should have thought of another one, but I've been using it for years.


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A lot of spelling mistakes can drive people mad, to the extent that after a particularily bad one I think even one of the mods passed comment on the person.

I half suspect that something like that could have been a factor in the original problem: Someone could have posted in the "old" textese, someone has replied heatedly about using standard English, then regretted the post, but it could have got reported, then when looked for it is deleted.

Partly it comes from the background of a person. I worked for a company that had the fixed rule that any spelling mistake was an immediate High fault report. Principle being if they got the spelling wrong a customer would question the standard of the software.

Anyway by now, and following a reasonable progression throughout this, everyone had increased their post count towards 250. :grin: :grin: :grin:

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