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Delighted :)


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Didn't know where to put this but I had to write about my first time out with my scope. 

I have been scouting my local area for dark spots and found one, a school down some country lanes with open playing fields, so I popped in the other week and asked if I can use their grounds to use my telescope at night, and they said "yes that's fine, their grounds are open to the public". So with that news I went away excited that I've found a nice viewing area and couldn't wait to get out and do some observing.

I've had my new telescope for around two weeks but haven't been able to get out with it until last night :smiley:, all day yesterday we had lovely clear blue skies and I sat at work with my fingers crossed that the clear skies stay for the night, and it did (just). I get home from work and get the schools co-ordinates for my SynScan, pack my scope into the car, have my dinner, then about half six I set off for the school with clouds staring to roll in from the north.

As I pull up to the school I'm greeted by the bright glow of floodlights, "Damn it !!" I said to myself, but I decide to have a walk down the playing fields and come to a artificial cricket pitch, and think this would be a great place to set up , so go back to my car to get my scope, and start to set up. Just as I'm just about to finish setting up the floodlights go off  :grin:, by this time the clouds had covered most if not all the north skies, but Jupiter was shining brightly and a small crescent moon, so they was going to be my targets tonight.

I didn't bother with the SynScan star alignment  setup and all that, I used the direction pads till I got the moon in my finder scope and then I look through my eyepiece, fiddle with the focus and then the moon came into view,  I could make out so much detail,  I study the moon for a good twenty mins "This is great" I was thinking :grin:, but what came next left me buzzing.

I move the scope round till Jupiter is in my finder scope, look through the eyepiece, fiddle with the focus and BOOM there it was Jupiter and four of its moons (one to its left and three to its right, I think ?)   "Wow, wow, wow" I was saying to myself throughout the whole time of observing :grin:, I could make out two cloud belts, ( one in the north, one in the south).

There was a part of me leading up to my first viewing that I might be disappointed with what I would be able to see, but I'm delighted and have now officially caught the bug, I want more  :grin:  :grin:  :grin: and can't wait to get out again and hopefully see more of our night skies. (Sorry that its long, I just had to write about it )   



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Good for you john. You're in for many nights like that. I'm at it about 3 years and I still get the odd night where I say wow out loud. Many many wonderful sights await you. Good luck and clear skies


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Hi John,

Great report, thanks for bringing back great memories of one of the first nights with my scope, like you I was astounded when I looked at the moon and then Jupiter.

You might find this handy for sorting out Jupiter's moons:- http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/objects/javascript/jupiter# , it will also let you know when transits and occultations are in view.

Good luck and enjoy.

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 Thanks everyone for your comments

Hi John,

Great report, thanks for bringing back great memories of one of the first nights with my scope, like you I was astounded when I looked at the moon and then Jupiter.

You might find this handy for sorting out Jupiter's moons:- http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/objects/javascript/jupiter# , it will also let you know when transits and occultations are in view.

Good luck and enjoy.

Thanks for that, I now know which moons were which :laugh:

 Clear skies

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Its really amazing isnt it. You have a real good location there too for setting up safely, I have my old school just down the road but they close the gates, and now there in partnership with the FA for something, they build (what i assume must be football fields) around the back which means they have 3 massive floodlights that stay on all night..

Hope you get back out there soon.


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That is prety much what I did. I couldn't believe the detail on the moon when I looked. I don't think I've ever been as excited as those first moments looking at Jupiter!

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Hi John,

I always remember the first time I saw Jupiter and Saturn.  in my first scope, it was an incredible sight, and you just want to shout about it to anybody who is within hearing range.

It realy inspired my to continue with this hobby  over these too many years. Hope you comtinue to be as amazed by what you see in future.


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