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So last night, despite the clear skies, the seeing was "iffy" i.e. not clouds or haze to see, but not crystal clear. One explanation was the increase in air traffic and con trails dissipating but contributing to the general "claggyness".

Do you think that the increase in air traffic is a contributing factor to poorer viewing conditions?



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LOL! Thanks for the hoot, Phil & Dave!

I remember when Eyjafjallajökull erupted in 2010 and air traffic was halted...I live under relatively dark skies and I was amazed to see M81 & M82 with the Mk1 eyeballs.....

Think it was also timely for the chaps attending SGL5.... :D

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to be honest, i wasn't really meaning that in a comedy way. when the sky is clear, and there appears to be no haze, and this is mostly plus and minus an hour at sunset, the blue of the sky seems to have a steely-blue-grey hint to it. i really hope it isn't anything to do with my eyesight. 

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