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question about DSLR's (once more)


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From some forum searches and reading I see the canon 300d comes up quite often as a budget entry to dslr photography. For under a hundred quid, this does seem like a tempting entry level camera (from that well known auction site). Now, bearing in mind that I have NO experience in using these sorts of cameras (and yes I do intend to purchase making every photon count), is there anything in particular I need to beware of?

I will be using the camera with my Skywatcher 130m, not at prime focus but to take widefield (I think thats the term) and startrails. Just to be sure that what I think I am saying matches what I am trying to say(!) I want to get a budget camera second hand, and use it with my motorised EQ2 mount to take pictures using the cameras lens, not attaching it to the scope for now. So, is the 300d an ok camera to start with, what should I avoid.

Apologies for any confuddled beer talk ;)

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Personally I wouldn't go for anything less than 350D...........As that's where canon cameras noise level started to get a fair bit better.............you can pick them up easy online for anywhere between £75-£100 with lens...ect.....I own two, modded and unmodded.....both are very good begineers cameras and cheap.

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Life gets easier around the around the 400D, 450D & 1000D era with full control of the camera over USB with the added benefit of the faster USB2.0 interface... The earlier models are noisier, need to use the remote shutter socket for exposures of greater than 30s - of course if your are on a tight budget just about all these problems can be overcome...

I have still got modified 350D and 1000D cameras...


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Check out this matrix http://www.ideiki.com/astro/EOS.aspx to see what features are supported for each camera model.  What works is down to the Canon SDK software which all the tools (APT, BackYardEOS, Maxim, etc.) rely on to control the camera.  Older models either don't work with the SDK, only have limited features or only work on certain versions of Windows.

If you do decide to buy an old model like a 300D (nothing wrong with them, I still have one and it works fine) you will have to rely on using the Canon supplied software to drive the camera if you want to use a laptop to control it and preview images, rather than a better third party product like those above.  You will also have to use an older version of Windows.  You absolutely must make sure that you get all of the original Canon CDs that came with the camera from the buyer.  Whilst there are update versions of the software available from the Canon web site, they will not install unless you have the original software installed or insert the CD in to the machine when asked.

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Thanks for the tips everyone. Yes I know focus may not be possible with the scope Russe, I want to get the camera and use it for star trails etc unitl I get a better mount and scope. At least I can get used to using the camera while I save for the rest :)

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I used the 300D (unmodded) for some time and had a lot of fun with it. However, later cameras and in particular the 450D and onwards seem more astro-friendly and have greater compatibility with current software. If I was looking for second hand DSLR for astro use at the lowest price, I'd go for the 450D, the 300D is showing its age now.

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Again, thank you everyone (again!) for the advice, its what make these forums great, that people are still willing to lend an opinion to the same tired old questions!

As i said, I am not inclined to think my 130M is up to any kind of astrophotography, but with no experience of DSLR's and anticipating a long learning curve, I thought it worth investing in one sooner in order to practice using the camera itself. From what you guys have said, and looking at the second hand prices, I'm inclined to just wait an extra couple of weeks and spend the extra to get a new 1100D with a lens. At least that way I can be confident it will arrive with everything (by which I mean leads and software). Or I could just splash it now and think of some way to justify it to the wife :p

Must remember to get that copy of making every photon count too.

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Book was ordered Thursday night/Friday morning through FLO and arrived today. Many thanks Steve, great service!

Will be reading with interest and trying a few of these website add ons while I save for the camera. Little steps..little steps!

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