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24mm Panoptic


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Hi guys,

Just a quick one.

I purchased two 24mm Panoptics to use in my yet to arrive Bino Vue and am trying one out in my TV-76 as we speak. What a CRACKING little eyepiece!!

This is the first time I've looked through a Panoptic... Must say, I'm very impressed!

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I own two Pans 24mm,and I use them with my Baader Mark V on my  C11...

Wonderful setup,fully usable Pan's field stop.
Not preferrable planetary eyepiece,due to pincushion distortion,but must have EP's for open and,mostly,globular clusters.

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You too have two. Your bino viewer is yet to arrive, I bought two and forget to buy a bino viewer when I was in England. The 24mm is one of, if not the best 1.25 inch eyepiece on the market, some say the Meade/maxvision is better or as good, well I have had both and I don't know how they arrive at that, you have to have them side by side to compare as I have done. I was going to post a review on it but Daniel put my notes in the wood burner while I was loading it, he uttered the words " here is some paper to help it burn better Daddy" then a smack was heard.


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They do seem to get very good reviews, is the 27mm the one to get ?

I have the 27 Pan, and have compared it directly with a clubmate's 24 Pan at our dark site.

Used with my 10" F4.8 Dob, my 27 Pan shows some coma produced by the mirror.   The 24 Pan showed a lot less coma, maybe because of the smaller field of view.

The 27 does have the advantage of longer eyerelief, but if you don't need to wear specs to observe, I'd sooner have the 24 than the 27 that I own.

24 is half the weight, a lovely neat EP.

Regards, Ed.

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Yep, 24mm Panoptic is a really lovely ep. Very compact and lightweight, but cracking views.

I bought two secondhand for my Binoviewer, but again found I didn't get on with it but have kept one 24mm


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I was quite surprised at the size of them. I've gotten quite used to the size of 2" EP's, so the Radians I've started gathering seemed small. The Panoptics are a lot smaller again. And the view... Wow. As I said, cracking little EP. Depending on how these (and I) go with the binoviewer, I may look to get a pair of 19mm Pan's as well... Apparently another great eyepiece and arguably the best for bino viewing.

Alan, the Bino Vue is in the post as we speak, so these should hopefully get a good workout. As for your comparison notes, that is both a cute and sad/frustrating story... Haha. How far into the comparison were you? I know you put many many hours into them usually!

Stu, was it that you didn't get on with bino viewing altogether, or just with this particular EP? I'd be keen to hear your thoughts.

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My house is the worst design on the face of the earth, very big on four levels and if I did it again I would do it different. I had a pile of papers at the side of my computer system which is in the basement with the bar and the heating sysytem room as well as two other rooms. The notes were at the side of the computer, there were: Panoptic notes finished;  a comparision between 6mm Radian and Meades 5.5mm S5000 Plossl; 9mm Super Plossl Meade and 10mm Radian and 16mm SWA Meade and Nagler of the same focal length. Sadly I just didn't have the time to write them up into reports and relying on memory is not the way to do it, all were complete notes from about 62 hours at various scopes and I can't repeat them as i don't have the  Meade eyepieces or the Radians any longer.

Daniel didn't do the SGL site any favours though in his way he thought he was helping me, however if you don't like my rabblings then he is a great kid, which he is anyway.  

Rely on memory, there was one other and I can't even remember what it was now. I was making notes a good while before I ever had the nerve to post a review so at the start there was always a queue waiting write-ups.


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Hi Aaron. I think it is my eyes! I have tried two binoviewers now, a William Optics and a Baader Maxbright so I'm sure it is not the binos.

My eyes are very different in terms of the view they give, particularly on planets. I am left eye dominant and always observe with my left eye. Whilst I have a few floaters in this eye, I can see a lot of detail with it.

My right eye is very different. Images are brighter, but appear almost like a grainy film so I cannot make out much detail on planets at all, and other targets are also less rewarding. I often wonder if I would have carried on with visual astronomy if both eyes had been like my right.

Anyway, I think that as a result, my brain struggles to merge the images together and I find binoviewers hard work. I manage fine with binoculars, probably because at lower powers, there is far less obvious difference between them.

Hope that makes sense. It was never a problem relating to the 24mm Panoptic, just my dodgy eyes :-)



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Hi Aaron. I think it is my eyes! I have tried two binoviewers now, a William Optics and a Baader Maxbright so I'm sure it is not the binos.

My eyes are very different in terms of the view they give, particularly on planets. I am left eye dominant and always observe with my left eye. Whilst I have a few floaters in this eye, I can see a lot of detail with it.

My right eye is very different. Images are brighter, but appear almost like a grainy film so I cannot make out much detail on planets at all, and other targets are also less rewarding. I often wonder if I would have carried on with visual astronomy if both eyes had been like my right.

Anyway, I think that as a result, my brain struggles to merge the images together and I find binoviewers hard work. I manage fine with binoculars, probably because at lower powers, there is far less obvious difference between them.

Hope that makes sense. It was never a problem relating to the 24mm Panoptic, just my dodgy eyes :-)



My eyes are also very different. My right is quite a bit weaker and more astigmatic and also short sighted which my left isn't (my left eye is long sighted). I think I'll leave the bino-viewers out - I like binoculars but my 66mm refractor is often used instead.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im also a big panoptic fan and have the 35mm and 27mm, i was enquiring the other day about the 19mm and was told by T HOUSE this batch they have in now is the last as like the radian they are being phased out..perhaps tele vue will extend the delos range to incluse 2 inchers, i hope they do something soon  as i want a 19 to 20mm ep with good eye relief...

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Im also a big panoptic fan and have the 35mm and 27mm, i was enquiring the other day about the 19mm and was told by T HOUSE this batch they have in now is the last as like the radian they are being phased out..perhaps tele vue will extend the delos range to incluse 2 inchers, i hope they do something soon  as i want a 19 to 20mm ep with good eye relief...

Perhaps that means something next generation is coming from TV ? Also like the Radians the Pans will be good second hand grabs to get in time perhaps.   

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Im also a big panoptic fan and have the 35mm and 27mm, i was enquiring the other day about the 19mm and was told by T HOUSE this batch they have in now is the last as like the radian they are being phased out..perhaps tele vue will extend the delos range to incluse 2 inchers, i hope they do something soon  as i want a 19 to 20mm ep with good eye relief...

No, not the Panoptics :( :(.

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I've never looked through a  pan, except my old frying pan that has a hole in it and is ready to be thrown out. :0) 

Not knowing is a bless, if I never end up getting one, I'll never miss it :evil:

True, but you are missing out, it often never leaves my focuser :D.

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True, but you are missing out, it often never leaves my focuser :D.

Rub it in will you. okay I am jealous, may be just a little bit  :p  I am happy with the MVs though I've got at that sort of focal length and my wallet feels a lot better for it :icon_mrgreen: That said, my first green and black will be the 14mm Delos ( or may be the 17.5 ? ) I'll see when the time comes in the coming months. Whether that will come before the pentax XW 7mm or after I do not know yet. Green and black will be mine but I do not feel in a rush since the 15mm BST is a perfectly well functioning eyepiece around that focal length for the time being.  It is something around my 6mm that really needs upgrading for me right now. The Astro Hutech 6mm temptation may well be the next purchase before Jupiter season begins to vanish. 

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