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Last night I messed about doing movies of the moon.

After finishing with the moon I had a go at Castor.

Set up

SW 80ED Pro......Hyperion Zoom 24mm.......Canon 60Da......Movie crop mode.

About a minute at 60fps aligned and stacked in Autostakkert.


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Hi Guys.

Could have sworn I was on it. :sad:

I have'nt measured the exact distance from EP to sensor but I would think it is at least 60mm.

My calculations with 24mm EP puts the ratio at F11 and magnifacation over prime is 1.5.

Does that help.

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It is interesting. I agree with the others that visually they look much more similar in brightness, and quite close together. Just check on SkySafari though and one is mag 1.6, the other b component is 2.9, so this is probably plenty to show up photographically?

Will have a closer look next time.


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I think you had it. the components do seem slightly different in size to me but I have never noticed colour. all the online images match yours quite well e.g. http://doublestarobserver.com/springtour.html


I suspect we'll all be looking a bit more closely next time out. I have seen them at this sort of separation at extremely high power (500x or more).

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I use Castor as a setting-up test fairly often. To me, this image is about how I see it in my Orion ED80 in terms of the relative brightness (I normally see the disks as about 60:40 size/brightness ratio), and the separation. I would expect to see them both fairly "white" though, and as sharper disks with diffraction rings when the seeing is good and I've found that elusive pin-sharp focus point....


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I use Castor as a setting-up test fairly often. To me, this image is about how I see it in my Orion ED80 in terms of the relative brightness (I normally see the disks as about 60:40 size/brightness ratio), and the separation. I would expect to see them both fairly "white" though, and as sharper disks with diffraction rings when the seeing is good and I've found that elusive pin-sharp focus point....


Must admit I did the focus by eye but the image was jumping about all over the place, there was thin high cloud, seeing not to good.

I think they are not white because I did'nt bother changing camera settings from the Jupiter run.

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My image is a bit blown due to the 30 second timing, it is mostly testing the Focal Reducer.......this other image is the 1100D attached to a Hyperion 13mm, 20 seconds @ 800 ISO, Focal Length 1764, it shows the colour of the other star better but hasn't had any processing.


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Had another go Sunday evening.

Think I pushed the limit of this setup.

Had the zoom on 8mm and added a 40mm extension between camera and EP.

Seeing was very poor there was lots of cloud and I had smoke from a fire drifting across.

The colour is not good....the image is full size, the result of a stack from Autostakkert.

I now know for sure this is Castor as I took a still at normal resolution and all the stars line up.


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