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Jupiter Io & Europa Dec 30th 2013

Space Cowboy

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Happy New Year fellow imagers!

Went out the other night for an hour but as expected seeing was poor but the way the weather is beggars can't be choosers lol

The first avi was the best taken at 22.11 UT and things went down hill after that (not helped by thin cloud).

Colour QHY used on both with 3x tv & Auto Dob 250.

Jup & Io 22.11 UT :


Jup, Io & Europa 22.29 UT :


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Really nice.

I've noticed how you can always tell Io by its bright yellow appearance, very different from the other moons. No doubt due to it being a sulphurous volcanic hell-hole!

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Conditions are some of the worst consistent runs ive had around here. Perhaps a combination of troubled  weather, and heating all around the imaging site in winter.

Your image is similar to what I got on the 30th. Nothing amazing. But at least we are trying. your processing looks very similar to mine. ill show a example. No doubt the similar tech we both use. sharping routines aside.

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Thanks Luke! Yep Io is like a yellow torpedo with its dark poles though the poor seeing has given it a more round appearance on the 2nd image.

Cheers Angie , Steve & Tich!

Thanks Pete I shall be telling the physio of my special rehabilitation routine lol Watching World's strongest man yesterday made me think how easily they could handle a 16" Dob so I may start mixing steroids with my breakfast cereal. :evil:

You are dead right Neil the sky is one big washing machine at the moment. Wet & windy every other day at the moment. We need high pressure URGENTLY! 

I've always followed your images as the template Neil so if mine look similar I'm clearly succeeding though poor seeing is a very good leveler. :smiley:

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Thanks Luke! Yep Io is like a yellow torpedo with its dark poles though the poor seeing has given it a more round appearance on the 2nd image.

Cheers Angie , Steve & Tich!

Thanks Pete I shall be telling the physio of my special rehabilitation routine lol Watching World's strongest man yesterday made me think how easily they could handle a 16" Dob so I may start mixing steroids with my breakfast cereal. :evil:

You are dead right Neil the sky is one big washing machine at the moment. Wet & windy every other day at the moment. We need high pressure URGENTLY! 

I've always followed your images as the template Neil so if mine look similar I'm clearly succeeding though poor seeing is a very good leveler. :smiley:

That's a nice comment Stuart. I make a pigs ear often make no mistake. But i always believe. there is a eye to this game. people can learn to process by eye alone. Not numbers, or books or internet examples. But by using ones own eyes. 

We are all human I've done some humdingers in my time. I reckon most have at some point. if they are honest or GOD.

 But there is a flair to this. And its like playing the guitar. Or doing a painting. people will be natural to it. And some maybe not so much. Un popular belief that one. But i think there is a little truth in it. You can learn to do a painting, you can learn to play the guitar. But some find it easy. Annoying as that is. I am probably a better processer than guitar player. But i enjoy both. So no one is excluded. its just things people take too. like a fish if you will.  

Poor seeing is really not getting the practice in. infact if anything i think it is creating bad habits perhaps.


quietly wispers good health. its frustrating after years of having ones own way. Ouch

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If my guitar playing were a Jupiter image it would be a tiny over exposed dot with no detail. You've got to be passionate to make significant progress in any given hobby and although I'd "like" to play the guitar my passion is with imaging so the guitar sits in the corner gathering dust. :smiley:

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If my guitar playing were a Jupiter image it would be a tiny over exposed dot with no detail. You've got to be passionate to make significant progress in any given hobby and although I'd "like" to play the guitar my passion is with imaging so the guitar sits in the corner gathering dust. :smiley:

Key word that Stuart Passionate.

totally agree

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