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Io swallowed by Jupiter's shadow


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There's always something new to look at with Jupiter. Recently I have seen the GRS make it way across the disc several times, at least one shadow transit and constant changes in the formations of the moons.

Tonight was something I have not seen before as far as I can recall. The moons were all aligned to one side of the disc and seeing was pretty good (once it had cleared a neighbour's chimney pot!) with the moons showing as discs of various sizes. The disc itself was showing really nice detail with the GRS very obvious and showing a rim of dark red. The main bands and polar regions were revealing nice levels of detail. At just before 8.45pm Io was getting very close to the disc and as predicted by the S&T utility began to fade as it passed into Jupiter's shadow. This happened well before it 'hit' the disc and the moon became quite orange in colour and then grey as it finally faded to nothing.

Pretty impressive!

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Sounds great Shane. Just missed GRS by the looks of it. Had a quick half hour with the 76, it's lovely and clear and once the scope had cooled I was getting some nice detail. Nothing like your views obviously, but enough to be rewarding.

All packed up now unfortunately, work in the morning :-(, could have stayed out for a few hours tonight.


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Ay, Jupiter really put on a good show tonight. Great spotting of Io, Shane! Siily me was so engrossed in the GRS and trying to sketch that I kind of missed the moon fading altogether. One moment it was there, the next gone. I was chuffed to see a few white ovals pretty much 90º south of the GRS (would be north in 'reality') and as you say, there really was quite a lot of belt activity this evening. Also had the chance to use an 8mm TV Plossl. Really is a wonderful planetary eyepiece and along with the 11mm, seems handmade for Jupiter. It brought out a tonal contrast I've never witnessed with the Baader GOs. I was a little apprehensive at first, for so many people have warned about the eye-relief, but I found it extremely comfortable to use, finally concluding this evening that amongst my many problems, eye-relief can't be one of them. 

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Sounds great Shane. Just missed GRS by the looks of it. Had a quick half hour with the 76, it's lovely and clear and once the scope had cooled I was getting some nice detail. Nothing like your views obviously, but enough to be rewarding.

All packed up now unfortunately, work in the morning :-(, could have stayed out for a few hours tonight.


I also had a quick look at Jupiter with my Tal 100, i was showing claire a few things like M42, M45 Mintaka and Jupiter and figured a moon was missing.

Stu i thought i might be getting a pronto 70, spotted one on ebay but price has shot up so out of the bidding already

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I also had a quick look at Jupiter with my Tal 100, i was showing claire a few things like M42, M45 Mintaka and Jupiter and figured a moon was missing.

Stu i thought i might be getting a pronto 70, spotted one on ebay but price has shot up so out of the bidding already

I have been watching that one just out of interest. It was on at £700 before, didn't sell so came back on at a low start with a reserve I guess. There is a lot of stuff bundled with it so it seems pricey.


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 Also had the chance to use an 8mm TV Plossl. Really is a wonderful planetary eyepiece and along with the 11mm, seems handmade for Jupiter. It brought out a tonal contrast I've never witnessed with the Baader GOs. I was a little apprehensive at first, for so many people have warned about the eye-relief, but I found it extremely comfortable to use, finally concluding this evening that amongst my many problems, eye-relief can't be one of them. 

It is a nice eyepiece. I sold mine recently and yet I found myself to be hankering after it last night. as Jupiter was accepting increasing high power. Good moments though with an 11mm TV plossl and 9mm nagler.

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I observed the whole thing myself, but I didn't realise at the time

that it was Jupiter's shadow that caused Io to fade rather than pass

behind, the seeing was really good, and observing the Orion Nebular

was my best yet, thank's for posting as I would never have known about

the shadow.

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I was watching that as well last night with my Meade 127 EDT, quite impressive. I was surprised at the conditions actually. I purposely didn't set up the big mak due to the Jetstream forecast showing it directly over us but actual viewing was not the best but still better than most recent nights.

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