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Andrew INT

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When I have completes my astronomy degree in 2015 I have promised to buy myself a fully automated obs. I have my heart set on the 3m scopedome from Poland.

Anyway, I am sure I saw a dealer in Bedfordshire a short while ago, but I cant for the life of me find their details anymore. I really wanted to see one in operation. I know that there is a dealed in Southern Ireland as well as Poland but I expect the delivery charges may be a bit high.

Does anyone here (in England) have a scopedome, and if so, who did you order it from?

Many thanks as always for any advice. Im still a bit over a year away from making the purchase but half the fun is in the planing!



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Hi Andrew,

Is this what you have been looking for?


They certainly are not cheap once you have added up all the extras.

I am unable to find any dealer in the UK but the one in Ireland is Scopes and Space based in Swords, that just outside Dublin.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Andrew,

We have purchased a 3M ScopeDome 2 months ago. It is not an easy task to assemble and we are still struggling with it. The structure is already completed but the operation is not smooth and we wait to the (Poland) tech support....

If you would like, I can keep you posted on progress.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I believe a UK agent dropped out after shipping a couple of domes but finding that the construction was not accurate enough to allow successful automation. He had visited the factory etc and been impressed with the fibreglass layup etc but shutter and rotation actions proved to be too tight for remote operation. On going dispute I gather and manufacturers not being that helpful.

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Why would you need a fully automated dome except for cudos?  If you're there in person within the dome then full automation is unneccessary.   I've had two DIY domes in my garden over 35yrs with manual shutter and rotation for AP mostly.   Once you get into the hobby there are dozens of 'new' DSOs for example within the open shutter field - just image the next one as it comes into view!  But domes are no good for Messier Marathons if you're into that sort of thing  :cool:

If you're doing remote imaging then a compact opening cover to the scope is all you need - the automation of which is not trivial! 

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Without rotation, I suspect my dome would be good for about 30 minutes, maybe 60 if I set it up off centre to start with. I don't plan on sitting out in the cold with a book and setting my phone to remind me to nudge it along every half hour! Not when I can have it follow the scope all night, meridian flip automatically, and then park/close when done (or if it rains) - all from in the warm in my house.

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Domes have advantages and disadvantages. If the dome needs manually nudging every half hour and you need to get up for work the next day this is a big, big disadvantage - or it would be for many people. I like to get some sleep in a warm room, I must admit, and nudging a dome every half hour would drive me nuts. Surely they do need automating and if this one won't allow for that I wouldn't consider it myself.


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