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I confess ...... I'm an Ocularholic ..... !!!


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I thought the collection deserved a decent case now - the Maplins £14.99 job - Highly recommended :lol:


(click to enlarge)

Top Row L-R: Nagler Type 1 4.8mm, Nagler Type 1 7mm, Nagler Type 6 9mm, Nagler Type 6 13mm, Ultima2x Barlow

Filter: Baader UHC-S

Bottom Row L-R: UWAN 16mm, Panoptic 24mm, Widescan III 30mm

Sorry if this is a bit self-indulgent - but I'm quite proud of this lot :D

Still room for a couple more as well ..... :rolleyes:


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alright I s'pose... :D

There's definitely room for a 3-6mm Nagler zoom though... :rolleyes:

How do you find the widescan III works at f/6.6, by the way? I know it's not that fast, but I thought the WS's work best in slow scopes.



The Nagler 3-6 zoom was great - I just prefer a wider field with my alt-az mounted scope :(

The Widescan III works nicely with my F6.5 refractor - some "seagulls" in the last 15% or so of the field but the light transmission of the eyepiece is fantastic - had my best views of M31 through this EP. I don't use a 2 inch eyepiece that often so I can't really justify a Nagler 31mm. Wouldn't mind trying a UWAN 28mm though :lol:


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That's a great and uncluttered selection there! All bases covered. What's the word I'm looking for..."Efficient" I think!

Would one of those cases be big enough to hold a PST do you think?


I am thinking the same thing hmmm :rolleyes:

The interior size measures 43.5cm X 31.5cm if thats any help.


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Impressive to say the least. I'd like a gander through a few of those.

Very tidy job on the foam cut outs too!


Thanks Anthony,

I'd be happy to pop round sometime so we can have a play with them. I'd also be interested in seeing how my Vixen ED102SS fares alongside your ED100 visually.



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John, you have a problem. But the first step towards a cure comes from admitting you have one :lol:

But seriously, nice setup. That's the kind of collection I'd like to build up, but I've got a long way to go yet. BTW do you have any silica gel to go in the case with the eyepieces, or is that a bad idea? :rolleyes:

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But seriously, nice setup. That's the kind of collection I'd like to build up, but I've got a long way to go yet. BTW do you have any silica gel to go in the case with the eyepieces, or is that a bad idea? :rolleyes:

I've got a couple of sachets of silica gel under the foam in the case but not adjacent to the eyepieces.


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That is a very nice set John and well presented. I've attached my humble collection in it's Maplins case. I do have the silica sachets under the ep's, do you think it is better to site them undet the foam ?

As you can see I have many Pentax/Televue sized gaps - I'm trying to convince the wife how silly and unbalanced the case looks without them :lol::D:( .....

Anyway, from L to R; Pentax XL7, Televue 11mm plossl, Celestron e-lux 25mm, TAL Kellner 15m, next row, Parks Gold 3x barlow, Celestron diagonal, and tucked in the corner a moon filter (Astronomica).

I've yet to use the TAL as I got it with some colour filters for Christmas. (It was very reasonably priced so I'm not sure what to expect... but it's built like a tank..)

(I like the look of your foam more I must say, I can see all the cuts in mine) :rolleyes:




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