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Telementor 2 on ebay ...


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I regularly use my 60mm scope, over my other larger ones.

Likewise, well a 76mm anyway. Lovely views.

Having listened to Estwing talk about his Telementor over the weekend, it certainly did sound pretty special :-)


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My toothpick is a great grab in go on my tiny alt/az mount. Pick both up, bung on stand, temperature stabilised in micro-seconds, 'sees through' the most awful wibbly wobbly turbulance. Sorted.

Last time Mars was close & big, I got cracking views of the polar cap and surface markings.

Pah. I speet at your beeg scopes.


In all seriousness, the more I use a smaller scope, the more I see with my bigger ones. It's a form of training for your eye and brain.

And it's just great fun !!!


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In all seriousness, the more I use a smaller scope, the more I see with my bigger ones. It's a form of training for your eye and brain.

And it's just great fun !!!


Couldn't agree more Andy


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I usually go up to around 167x, for solar system stuff.

I ignore what theory says and just use what gives the best result for target and conditions.

There is simply NO comparrison with a 66mmED APO I had. The 60/1000 simply destroys it at higher powers.

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It does get pretty small but to me it is still useable.

In my TV76 last night, I was using down to a 3mm ep on the moon, ie x160 with a 0.5mm exit pupil. Floaters are definitely present but you can look around them I find.

It's challenging stuff at times, but there is a reward to be had (in my eyes anyway) to seeing the max with what you have available. I've seen shadow transits and GRS with a 66mm before, certainly trains your eye/brain!


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I usually go up to around 167x, for solar system stuff. I ignore what theory says and just use what gives the best result for target and conditions. There is simply NO comparrison with a 66mmED APO I had. The 60/1000 simply destroys it at higher powers.

Aha! I see you wield the mighty Тал Алькор. Another legendary performer :)
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I find using a 3-6 nag zoom on a 6" F5 is training my eye enough with it's 250x @ 0.6mm. 

I can't imagine looking at things at 160-180x with exit pupils around 0.4mm.   Floater city I'd guess, and dim and grainy.  I guess it'd stilly physically work though however poor the quality of the image.

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Aha! I see you wield the mighty Тал Алькор. Another legendary performer :)

 I do indeed :)  In battleship grey, of course.

The views are surprisingly close to being on par with my Carton 60/1000, after I carefully adjusted the mirrors and did a side by side with the frac. I did NOT expect that to be honest, even although I've always known that the Alcor was a wee beaut.

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I find using a 3-6 nag zoom on a 6" F5 is training my eye enough with it's 250x @ 0.6mm.

I can't imagine looking at things at 160-180x with exit pupils around 0.4mm. Floater city I'd guess, and dim and grainy. I guess it'd stilly physically work though however poor the quality of the image.

You'd be surprised. Nothing dim and grainy about the moon last night, and Jupiter gives a creditable performance too. Of course, not trying to say it compares with a large apo or newt but it's still worthwhile observing with I would say. As for widefield views, they are lovely :-), but I guess that's getting away from the Telementor



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Always felt like buying a 66mm APO for backpack trips.  All it'd need is a camera tripod (got) and a Nag 3-6 zoom (got)

It was a very well corrected for false colour, which was pleasing as I used it mainly for birding. There's nothing worse than viewing a hawk against a bright background and it being surrounded in a purple haze.

 I had an AstroTech(US) branded version. I think they are/were made by Long Perng.

This one here



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I had a William Optics SD 66mm, doublet apo, very similar. Lovely compact scope, ideal for taking around. Widefield views under a dark (African Safari) sky were like an 8" back home!!

I suppose we'd better no stray too far from Telementors though, my apologies :-)


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