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10mm wide field eyepiece?


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To be honest, apart from the Schmidt Cassegrain series, most things made by Celestron are not my cup of tea. I just can't locate a good eyepiece of this focal length except for the Delos - which is a bit of over my limit at least for now.

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Explore Scientific do the 11mm, but I took a pledge not to buy anything from them ever. If it comes up as second hand again...then maybe.

What does furniture polish have to do with it :grin:

One bad experience isn't reason enough :evil:

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If resale is a concern I would not buy a Luminos as they don't seem too popular. ES ,Pentax,TV etc do hold their value better.The Luminos were suggested to me when I first started and they have served me well.However I don't buy & sell much so resale is not a concern.My thought now,as in my other hobbies is to buy good once-and this doesn't mean the most expensive-and keep what I have.Of the 3 Luminos I have the 10mm is the best,at least in my scope(refractor) but I have not had a chance to really test it in my dob-for ghost images etc on bright objects.I did give it a run on DSO,and on some objects it excelled in the dob.

I have heard that the Pentax 10mm is one of the best eyepieces out there,they hold their value and will work across a broad range of telescopes-something like this may be cheaper in the long run.

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Unless you want to buy the ES (not even sure they come in a 10mm approx) then the choices for good quality are dependent upon you willingess to accept a high price (Ethos, Nagler, Delos), a narrower field and a high price (Delos, Pentax XW) or a narrower field altogether (Radian). At this focal length I have a 10mm Radian as it's cheap(ish) used, it offers excellent eye relief and sharp flat views across the field. 60 degrees at this sort of magnification (depending upon scope but in mine it's 120x, 160x and 180x) is usually used for smaller objects which therefore take longer to go across the field.

I don't know about the one you mention but I am sure it would give decent views. If not looking for 'perfection' in all scopes then there are wider options available.

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I've heard very little about the Speer Waler series, I wonder how they perform in comparison with other more expensive equivalents.

Emad, if you're considering to spend about that amount for a 10mm, then mention Pentax is perfect, IMHO.

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The Luiminos is heavy for what it is.  The views didn't blow me away either.  I felt it suffered from a number of abberations.  Ghosting & internal reflections amony the most distracting.  The eye glass protection cup is pathetic as well.  I'd not recommend these based on their price.

The 10mm Delos is the best in class for me.  Maybe an Ethos if you can stretch it or a Radian if you can't.

If you're using them in an F10 though, maybe you can get the same peformance from a cheaper eyepiece.  I don't know much about anything other than a handful of TVs, the ES82 range and the BSTs though.  Anything beyond those is just other's knowledge im parroting.

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I've heard very little about the Speer Waler series, I wonder how they perform in comparison with other more expensive equivalents.

I have four Speers Walers (17mm, 13.4mm, 9.4mm, 7.5mm), Nagler type 6 5mm, Nagler 3-6 zoom, Televue 15mm Plossl, Meade 5000 24mm UWA, and the usual cheapies supplied with telescopes. I find the Speers Walers excellent at their price point, but naturally not as superb as the more expensive eyepieces. Their one drawback is that they need more "in-travel" than other brands - the 17mm needs 31.5mm more than a Televue plossl, and the others need 14mm more. If your focuser drawtube will cope with that extra in-travel, then the Speers walers are worthy eyepieces. I use them in an 8" F6 Dob very contentedly, and have had no desire to replace them since purchase.

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