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I know it is funded by the eso, hence the E at the start of the name, but it being based in chile is going to confuse people. Should give dara o'brien some joke fodder though! :)

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Best place to put it though. It never rains in some parts of the Atacama, and is almost never cloudy.

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Best place to put it though. It never rains in some parts of the Atacama, and is almost never cloudy.

I know why it is based in chile, it is just the name that is poorly chosen, just think of the poor people who will work there though:

Layman: hi my name is bob, where do you work?

Astro boy: at the e-elt

L: what's that?

A: the european extremely large telescope

L: oh, is that in paris or berlin or somewhere near there?

A: no, chile

L: chile!!! Why the foosh is it called european then??

A: well, its like this...

And then our hapless astro boy has to spend the next 10 minutes explaining the situ. 10 minutes he could have better spent gazing up through this sweet beasty. ;)

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