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those lenses go for £20-£30 on ebay so dont convert it to anything if you don't want it ebay it, should work on your dslr, when you attach it onto the camera line up the red dots instead of the white dot you have on efs lenses

Yeah, I've been looking on eBay and such like to see what they go for. Had it on my DSLR and it seems to work a treat.

Given it a once over with a bit of lens cleaner and it looks like new.

Not really used it to see how it compares to my other lenses, but it is another bit of kit for my collection which won't go amiss :)

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Friday forecast now looking a bit wet possibly, but tomorrow evening could be patchy cloud. Might get some backyard astro done

I was just looking outside and hoping it stays nice and clear for this evening. it's a beautiful morning :)

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Fingers crossed for tonight Ryan - looking forward to hearing how you get on ;)

Quite fancy having an hour outside myself to give the CCD camera a go again. Could even set up in my bedroom if it is clear enough when Saturn rises.

Decided to sell the old SLR camera I got yesterday - couldn't be bothered with it in the end, and decided that developing film costs money - took it to town and got £10 back, so that is my cash back lol.

If anyone has/uses a camera that uses 123A lithium batteries, 1 have 2 brand new ones I don't need plus a roll of 35mm film if anyone can make use of it - free to a hood home - never used lol.

Anyway, I suppose it means that my 35-80mm lens only cost me the couple of quid I paid for my batteries and film, so I'm happy :)

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Fingers crossed for tonight Ryan - looking forward to hearing how you get on ;)

Quite fancy having an hour outside myself to give the CCD camera a go again. Could even set up in my bedroom if it is clear enough when Saturn rises.

Decided to sell the old SLR camera I got yesterday - couldn't be bothered with it in the end, and decided that developing film costs money - took it to town and got £10 back, so that is my cash back lol.

If anyone has/uses a camera that uses 123A lithium batteries, 1 have 2 brand new ones I don't need plus a roll of 35mm film if anyone can make use of it - free to a hood home - never used lol.

Anyway, I suppose it means that my 35-80mm lens only cost me the couple of quid I paid for my batteries and film, so I'm happy :)

I'm looking forward to trying it out myself

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Have confidence Ryan, you'll get it sussed I'm sure! ;)

Does the camera come with it's own software disc? If so, it should all fire up once you have installed the disc and plugged it into your lap top. The big problem I have is finding the object I want to image lol.

I'll finally (after about an hour of backward and forwarding, and up and downing) get it into my eyepiece, but then it isn't there once I remove the eyepiece and insert the camera. It takes me ages to get it in the field of view. Lee at GreenWich recommended a flip-mirror but it is about £80, so I'm not buying one of those yet. However, I think one will be on my shopping list when finances allow.

Let me know how you get on and I look forward to your images :)

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Vicky you should try using Stellarium or some star maps once you know you're in the right area to match up the field of view that way you can pinpoint the object with some brighter stars. :)

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Cheers Vicky. I got the camera all up and running last night. Im using Fire Capture I think it's called? I am using a Dob so it's going to be a bit more tricky. Im using the old drift technique. The dubbing the Avi's together to make one video. Then I have to centralise the image before finally stacking and then tweaking! Gonna be fun :) :)

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Vicky you should try using Stellarium or some star maps once you know you're in the right area to match up the field of view that way you can pinpoint the object with some brighter stars. :)

Yes, I couldn't use Stellarium before as I was struggling switching between the two programmes on my lap top.

Now I have lovely A4 printed pages of the Sky Atlas I can hopefully use them to help he locate my chosen object :)

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Cheers Vicky. I got the camera all up and running last night. Im using Fire Capture I think it's called? I am using a Dob so it's going to be a bit more tricky. Im using the old drift technique. The dubbing the Avi's together to make one video. Then I have to centralise the image before finally stacking and then tweaking! Gonna be fun :) :)

Can you use your RA whilst filming to keep it centralised longer whilst you do an AVI film?

Usually an AVI video at 60fps for about 1 minute works quite well for Jupiter, but obviously I have never attempted Saturn.

For Jupiter I had to tweak the exposure and gain, and it was trial and error with these setting (and the focus) for a few videos.

Also, remember the focus through the camera will be different to the focus through the eyepiece so that will need adjusting too.

I use RegiStax6 to choose the best say 75% of the frames and then it's a bit of wavelets and cropping.

The Image Capture software for my little DMK planetary camera is really simple to use one I get the object in the field of view - I find that the most time consuming part! LOL

Listen to me, like I'm an expert, when I'm still trying to work it all out myself!

Hope you get something to share with us - it's exciting :)

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It's looking lovely and clear here again today guys and seem's very strange not to have seen a cloud for 2days!

Hope you are having a lovely time, and don't mention your lack of clouds in Cyprus......... You'll jinx us lot here in a Yorkshire lol ;)

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I am still following comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy - for anyone else still tracking it's progress, I have attached the following link for May.

Still an easy target for binoculars, heading north through the constellation of Cepheus, and on Wednesday May 27th passes just 1.1° from Polaris.

Could be a half decent photo opportunity if the cloud gods are kind ;)


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