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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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gonna have a go at a ISS image, bearing in mind it will still be fairly light, any one any suggestions as to what lens and camera settings to try,

Hi Leigh, I have just checked my photos and last time I used my 75-300mm lens on 75mm. ISO 100 for a 16 second exposure. Do you have infinity marked on your lens? If not, you'll have to have a few setting up shots prior to it coming over. Hope it's still clear your way. It's still quite good where I am. Might have a go with the camera. Good luck :)

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That all depends on what image you are trying to get Leigh.

A full sky image will need a small a lens as you have, but due to the time of year and length of exposure you are planning on you are better to take a few test shots first to get the light settings, ISO etc. right before it starts its cross. Remember you can always stack them together in Starstax later to get a wider trail.

If you are after a closer view then a bigger lens again with some test shots to check exposures etc. but these are much harder to capture. Will have to have a look on FB for Ryan's shot

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Well, I've had a fabulous couple of hours in the garden. Saw the ISS twice, and viewed Venus, Jupiter and Saturn.

It got really breezy out front, so I headed round the back for a session with the binos and DSlR.

Found our new best mate the Coathanger asterism. It looks great in the binos - fits in the field of view a treat!

Then had a quick look around to see what I could see from my rather limited viewpoint.

Really pleased I have seen and imaged Vega & Lyra, and the Keystone asterism in Hercules including M13.

Did not manage to find or image Lovejoy - wonder if it is just too feint now.

Anyway, here are a couple of quick images taken out of the camera - going to have a play tomorrow to try and bring out some detail, but that is a couple more ticked off my list :)





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Amazing images Vicky! I've seen the coat hanger a few times, managed to find it myself only once and Paul has showed me a few times, it's so impressive what's up there. I hope we have a better autumn and winter than the previous one! So we can get out more often, there's virtually no chance for me at all now, it's daylight when I start work and daylight when I finish work [emoji30]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I have cloud and wind but not a drop or rain. There are sizeable gaps in the clouds too. Are u in kielder ?


Yep up in Kielder, wind hasn't stopped all day but there have been some gaps in the cloud eventually, not much hope for any clear skies tonight though, just more wind which is great for the wind turbine, but it has blown my bird feeders all over the place and scattered the seeds so I have replaced all with much heavier nuts in the hope they stay there and not drop to the ground for the mice!

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Yep up in Kielder, wind hasn't stopped all day but there have been some gaps in the cloud eventually, not much hope for any clear skies tonight though, just more wind which is great for the wind turbine, but it has blown my bird feeders all over the place and scattered the seeds so I have replaced all with much heavier nuts in the hope they stay there and not drop to the ground for the mice!

Lots of clear skies here but Very windy too Soupy 

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Beautiful clear skies over Horbury, and the wind has calmed right down too. Don't think I'll be late up doing much viewing as I have been helping clear my mates garden all day. Cleared about 50 foot x 20 foot of garden of old chicken houses, fruit tree pens, knocked out 6 foot posts and taken all chicken wire down. Filled a massive skip and still could fill another! Totally exhausted but I really want to make the most of the sky. See how I go later. Think we have an ISS pass at 11.28pm :)

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