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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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Brilliant talk last night from Jerry and the young girls song about all the Moons was amazing!! Sorry I didn't stay for something to eat but enjoyed a beer with you anyway. :)

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I can see Saturn rising but there's cloud around as well, I need to image this! Soon! The talk were great hopefully I'll be able to make it to a few more. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

We need to keep an eye on the forecast for the next few days and try to make one in at Winscarr to have a joint viewing/imaging session of Saturn. This weekend would be ideal whilst Saturn is at opposition. Fingers crossed for clear skies! :)

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We need to keep an eye on the forecast for the next few days and try to make one in at Winscarr to have a joint viewing/imaging session of Saturn. This weekend would be ideal whilst Saturn is at opposition. Fingers crossed for clear skies! :)

im hoping the forecast changes but at the moment its looking cloudy, just with a couple of hours of clearing sky on saturday night. fingers crossed it improves 

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im hoping the forecast changes but at the moment its looking cloudy, just with a couple of hours of clearing sky on saturday night. fingers crossed it improves 

Yeah, I'm hoping for at least one clear evening over the weekend. Here's hoping the cloud gods will show us some kindnesss for a change!

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I don't see why they would. There meaner then the Grinch. I'm off to North Wales next week so if u do get out hope all goes well. I'm taking my 50 mm frack with me so if it dose clear I will have something to look through

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I don't see why they would. There meaner then the Grinch. I'm off to North Wales next week so if u do get out hope all goes well. I'm taking my 50 mm frack with me so if it dose clear I will have something to look through Mark

Hope you have a lovely time in Wales and manage to get some viewing done. Saturn will be looking great, even though you will only get a small image in your 50mm refractor - it'll still be worth a look though. Also, if it is clear on Wednesday 27th, comet Lovejoy will pass just 1.1 degrees from Polaris, and I am hoping it'll be visible in a small scope. Have a good 'un! :)

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Woo looks like it was exciting look forward to seeing the results when they finally get the Misson fully underway

I can't believe the height it reaches in such a short space of time - I'd love to be there when they send something up! :)

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saturns up so might go out and have a look at it

Go and do it, right away! I am going out in 10 minutes, but the kids are making he watch the end of Divergent first then I'll be straight out for a quick Saturn fix before heading to bed. Early start at work tomorrow :)

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Did any one just see the bright light between Jupiter and Saturn ?? If so what was it as I did not have my glasses on. Iss is not due over till 3 am Mark

I saw one between Jupiter and Pollux - are you sure it wasn't the one I saw? Really bright! I think it must have been an iridium flare. I saw a belter of a shooting star last night right near Polaris - saw it in the binos as I was looking for Lovejoy - spectacular :)

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There us way too much high cloud over my way and I can't really make anything out. Yes, I can see Jupiter and Venus, but it's not worth dragging the scope out at this time of night. Hope you are having better luck with viewing your way guys :)

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Was that an iridium flare just now to the left of Castor and Pollux? It was really bright! Can't see Saturn from the front yard yet as it is too low, so gone out back instead. Some high cloud so I might not see much :(

Yes it was, it was very bright here,  it was the iridium 14 satellite if your interested :)

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