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S@N that old chestnut topic


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I don't watch it anymore, I cannot follow where the program is going on any particular show, its seems here, there and everywhere..... Watched the first couple after SPM passed away and could not get on with the format, no offence to the presenters or team. Are you folks saying it's turned a corner and getting better again?

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This last one was a good balance, they didn't try to put too much in, so what they included was presented and covered nicely. Guess they reduced the number of presenter appearing on the program, so the ones on it had enough to be involved with instead of an almost cameo appearance.

If that format is more or less maintained then a worthwhile watch.

Wonder if they have been trying to determine a format that works but is new/different. If so then along the lines of this one came across to me as pretty reasonable.

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Don't get me wrong I like all the presenters including JC as an amateur astronomer he can ask basic questions of the more experienced guys and so adds value, I just cringe when he does the SPM thing. I think there is a place for all of the presenters 5 is probably what they need fitting in filming around their day jobs, but they don't all have to be in every show when its running at 30mins.

I think the show would benefit from being 45 to 60 mins as this would allow time for the regular items to become the backbone of the show rather than the where do we stick it in. One thing I would like to see the upcoming sky guide presented from PL's house on occasion and I think it would be useful for beginners to see what they should expect to see through there EP. Either rig up a camera setup on a medium priced scope not for AP but a live shot of what your eye would see, also may contrast this with what Pete can see with his 14" scope and then a hubble type shot

I like the Chris and Lucie anchor roles, they are comfortable on screen, there is a respect between the two and neither is trying to hog the show. Unlike the the Cox O'Brien combo on SGL which is another thread in itself.

At the end of the day this programme needs to have something interesting for the more knowledgeable which is understandable to a newbie or interesting enough for a newbie to read more on and fundamentally the what to look at guide should remain in the format with a bit more detail by increasing the run time. Getting the mix right could see the programme becoming more mainstream. At the end of the day the more people that are attracted into the hobby the better it is for all of us, manufacturers have an increased market to supply and so products are developed improved we get better value for money and better products.

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It was a much better show this month. No silliness, an interesting subject... plus some observing tips and info for amateurs. A proper Sky At Night episode.

Why is it that so many of these great old observatories that they visit are shut down or decommissioned? I find it sad that these great domes are empty and unused these days.

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