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Huge prominence activity (timelapse)


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The day after I received my new camera the Sun gave the show with this huge prominence, and although I eventually had several driver issues, I managed to follow its evolution for half an hour before the sky completely veiled. I hope you will enjoy. :)

At the end uninstalling the 13.1.7 drivers and installing the 13.1.6 High Performance Driver seems to have solved the high instability of the camera, which freezed each time. There remains the problem of newton interference bands.

I forgot, here you can instead see the mosaics that I made before the timelapse, during the tests.




PS - last week I forgot to post the video of the most spectacular events, here it is.

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Paolo, those are very cool sequences, thanks for posting.

Re thenQHY5L-II Newton banding, if you manage to find a solution would you please post it here? I've got exactly the same problem myself with this camera!



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Absolutely stunning Paolo.

I sometimes see Newton rings on my DMK41 with a Barlow. Sometimes, by slightly adjusting the tuning I can get rid of them, but normally I just let the image drift a little and the stacking averages them out.

I have read you can get rid of them by introducing a small tilt in the camera, but I haven't tried this.


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there are few different solution, but usually thei fix the low banding that born with barlows or clear filters, this one is inside the camera, in the alpina cell cover of the sensor.

i will try with a custom tilt panel, the flats fix partially but still don't like it.

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