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Thoughtful neighbours

Astro Imp

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I know some of you good people have occasional problems with neighbours but I am pleased to recount that last night as I was setting up about 10.00pm my neighbour came home and as we were chatting she ended up by saying "When I go in I'll turn my kitchen light off so that it doesn't disturb you."

Really good to have such neighbours.

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One of my neighbours is like that. I was talking to her the other day and she said that she had been watching out for me in the garden at night during the summer. She then went on to inform me that herself and her son (older then i am) were out a few nights ago trying to see Saturn because apparently it was at opposition. She said it was cloudy though. It is nice to have a neighbour with an interest in astronomy. Makes my life easier and she gets to see through my scope now and then. My other neighbour spends most of the year in America (church business), so i am not bothered by his lights etc because they are never on and my garage and high wall separate us.

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Wow! I'm moving to the south of Lincoln if the people are that friendly :)

We would make you very welcome.

I have lived in the village for eleven years and from first moving in was struck by the locals, as you walk about everybody passes the time of day.

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My neighbours are fine but even if they weren't they are too far away to be much of a problem! The Mayor even started switching off the village lights at 11.30, again not that it really made much difference. Nice, though. Positive thinking has to be the way forward.


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My neighbours on one side insist on having their security light on for their cats. Both cats are pedigree and they have netting over all of their garden so the cats can't get out and no other cats can get in. Fair enough, they're lovely neighbours, and they love their cats, but, cats can see better in the dark than us. I don't get it???!!!!

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My neighbours on one side insist on having their security light on for their cats. Both cats are pedigree and they have netting over all of their garden so the cats can't get out and no other cats can get in. Fair enough, they're lovely neighbours, and they love their cats, but, cats can see better in the dark than us. I don't get it???!!!!

The cats probably hate the floodlights more than you do. If only pets could talk!

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The house next door to me has just sold so I have a cunning plan to win the new guys over:

I will set my scope up in the front garden when the new neighbours are outside and I am positive that curiosity will get the better of them , I can then let them have go. :grin:

I will then set the scope up in the much darker back garden where much more can be seen, I will invite them to have another look :evil:

I am sure they will notice the difference and then I can explain why :smiley:

If this fails I will have to revert to plan B and buy a Cockrill :grin:

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The house next door to me has just sold so I have a cunning plan to win the new guys over:

I will set my scope up in the front garden when the new neighbours are outside and I am positive that curiosity will get the better of them , I can then let them have go. :grin:

I will then set the scope up in the much darker back garden where much more can be seen, I will invite them to have another look :evil:

I am sure they will notice the difference and then I can explain why :smiley:

If this fails I will have to revert to plan B and buy a Cockrill :grin:

Sounds like a plan.

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i absolutely hate my neighbours, one side has 3 kids, one secondry school one junior school and one nursery and the language and abuse that comes from all 5 of them is disgusting. That is putting it as polite as i can otherwise i would get kicked off the site! that goes for the other side aswell

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i absolutely hate my neighbours, one side has 3 kids, one secondry school one junior school and one nursery and the language and abuse that comes from all 5 of them is disgusting. That is putting it as polite as i can otherwise i would get kicked off the site! that goes for the other side aswell

I won't complain about mine now as they sound like angels in comparison to yours!

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I get the impression that the latest ones (of a slightly dodgy bunch) genuinely TRY (to be good neighbours). :)

They at least responded to my polite request to "adjust" a 500W PIR security light pointed rather directly at my back door! My main concern was that it "announced to the whole world" when I was out in the observatory or (rather rarely these days) "Dahn the Pub"? Still flashes me sometimes, as I walk down my garden path - But Hey, "small mercies"? I am working on remote controlled Video Astronomy... More in anticipation of *me* NOT freezing my backside, this coming Winter... :D

In fairness, they "fixed" the barking / howling Dog they acquired - Rather rapidly? I'm definitely a *CAT* person - Dogs seem to single me out for their affections! <Grrrr> They put the dog in a "cage" while they are out at work? They have already *lost* ONE Cat... the remaining one spends its time in my garden. According to them "anti-social"! Chucked out every night? Abandoned over long weekends? I find her a friendly and interested observing companion... :p

No "animal nutter" here, but sometimes the way people treat their animals (Dogs OR Cats or...) can be quite revealing?

In fairness, they seem to be "getting the idea" re. the Dog. It now gets WALKED! Some folks are slow on the uptake... ;)

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my neighbours either side are an old retired couple who are nosey and keep an eye out all day for goings on in the street and the other side a bunch of scruffy hippies who seem to be in bed with no lights around 8-9pm.

On the very rare occasion the old couple have their grand kids over on a weekend they leave their bathroom light on which I can shield easily enough with a sunbrella in a heavy ground stand. Pretty much perfect really.

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I live in a hamlet on the edge of a large village. My neighbours know I'm into astronomy, and most have looked through the scopes at some time. Last Winter/Spring I noticed more than one turn off their headlights as they came down the lane in the dark in case the light blinded or dazzled me! How good is that?! It does pay to let people see through the scopes - it can ease suspicions as to what we are doing, and lead to greater tolerance and understanding.

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