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Star Atlas upgrade


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I'm looking to upgrade the star atlas I use. Currently use Pocket Sky & Telescope Star Atlas. the A5 page one with (I believe) Will Tiron maps

I'm simply looking for something bigger. A4 or even A3 maps. Laminated would be nice.

I love the Will Tirion maps so those again or something very close to those again would be ideal.

The level of detail in the current atlas is fine I think, not looking for much more in terms of magnitude, possibly 2 - 3 more on star magnitudes would be good now I have a much larger scope I can probably see quite a few more faint stars than previously.

Any suggestions? I'd like to keep cost under £50 ideally.

EDIT: Oh and Spiral bound is a must


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Have you considered the laminated field edition (white stars on black background? Sky & Tel shows $80 for that one. I've used mine for 20+ years after losing 2 unlaminated field editions to dew. Does that go to $120 for you including shipping? If so, that's really sad.

I hope you get this sorted - good charts are really essential!

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That's impressive. Due to dew, I DIY laminated my PSA with clear vinyl floor covering from the pound shop.

It now weighs a ton, but can get dripping wet. It's worthwhile, make sure you enclose all the edges as dew gets everywhere, even

in clear skies,


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The Cambridge has stars to +6.5 mag while the SA2000 has stars to +8.5 mag. Big difference.

BTW the traditional quoted faintest magnitude of a star atlas is that magnitude at which the atlas shows as many stars fainter as it omits that are brighter. For example, The Cambridge Atlas will show some stars that are fainter than +6.5 but some stars which are brighter than +6.5 will be missing from the charts. I don't know if that still applies with the computer generated atlases of today.

50mm Binoculars will show stars to 9th mag and fainter.


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