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Am I expecting too much?

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Hi Guys. Having just recently (2 months) just bought a Celestron C11 and only used it a couple of times what with the weather and working shifts. I have noticed two marks have developed on the corrector plate (see photo). Having read a few articles apparently this is a common problem with Celestron and it may or may not be grease from the internals. What i want to know is... Is this acceptable having spent so much money on a scope?. I personally am not happy as i expect the optics to be perfect, Or am i being a moaning git. I would love your input...

I also have another moan... I think the polar scope is rubbish! ( see photo ) it doesn't stay accurate, You only need to tap it slightly and its miles off! and you have to set it up every time you get it out. I dont have any trouble with the SW polar scope on my newt... so having spent all that money i'm going to have to buy a better one... Again i don't think this is acceptable, I could understand it if i'd only spent a couple of hundred quid, As i believe you get what you pay for..

Thanks for looking guys :sad:



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I wouldn't get too upset about those marks....the big corrector is a muck magnet.

The finder mount is OK, and is much improved if you put a little grease on the various threads. It takes a bit of fiddling to get it just right, but once you get it there it holds its position well.

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I wouldn't get that concerned about a little muck Vince. The important part is what you see when using the scope, looking on the bright side your primary is never going to look like one in a newt.:)

I always have to tweak my finder each time I use it and if I knock it then I have to adjust it again. If they were to put better ones on then the kit would only cost more in the first place, the mass of your money has gone on the optics. You have got yourself a really nice scope with that C11. You should try the focuser on my OO CT it is the worst one I have ever used or seen its almost a metronome :D

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I agree that this bit of muck on the corrector plate will have absolutely no effect on your viewing. I also had problems with the finderscope moving almost as soon as I looked at it. I solved the problem by adjusting the "fixed" screw - it is normally hidden behind the scope but can be accessed when the finderscope holder is removed from the scope.

I don't think you are being a moaning git - these things cost a lot of money, and you would expect them to be set up a little better before they leave the factory. But I have found that even with top quality astro equipment, it rarely works "out of the box" and certainly the various software accessories could never be described as plug and play..... On the other hand, I console myself that I am paying for the optics, and because I enjoy tinkering with things to get the best from them, I accept the mechanical problems which always have to be overcome. So despite the smudge on your corrector, I think that you will find that (providing you are correctly collimated and focussed) then this scope should give really quite exceptional viewing.

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do you store the OTA stood up on its end cap, if you do and the room gets warm some grease could in theory drip onto corrector

Hi Jules... No the scope is in a case i bought for it so it is always on its side, I can only imagine it as dropped down while carrying it with the handle or something like that :smiley:

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I wouldn't get too upset about those marks....the big corrector is a muck magnet.

The finder mount is OK, and is much improved if you put a little grease on the various threads. It takes a bit of fiddling to get it just right, but once you get it there it holds its position well.

Thanks Steve... The problem with the finder scope is that it is lose in the holder, It as a rubber "o" ring that supports it but its still easily knocked out of alignment, I'll try what cfpendock as suggested and see if that helps :smiley:

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I wouldn't get that concerned about a little muck Vince. The important part is what you see when using the scope, looking on the bright side your primary is never going to look like one in a newt. :)

I always have to tweak my finder each time I use it and if I knock it then I have to adjust it again. If they were to put better ones on then the kit would only cost more in the first place, the mass of your money has gone on the optics. You have got yourself a really nice scope with that C11. You should try the focuser on my OO CT it is the worst one I have ever used or seen its almost a metronome :D

Good point Col... Oh!, You have my sympathy with the Focuser.. Can you not get an after market replacement? :smiley:

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Good point Col... Oh!, You have my sympathy with the Focuser.. Can you not get an after market replacement? smiley.gif

I will upgrade at some point. It is usable but no matter how I set it up there is always a bit of wobble in it and the focus wheels wind in eccentric circles. It's just a piece of tat really, but most of it with exception to the optics is a piece of tat really.. :D No, the mirror cell is good now I finished off machining the threads on it. The secondary holder looks much tidier now I have removed the surplus silicone and once I have got 4 ferrules for the spider vein holders they will should stop them wobbling about in their over sized holes.

Hope that helps mate.. :) are you feeling better..

Ed: Actually the best thing about it is the CNC tube rings they have blue knobs and I like blue..

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The finder scope has a spring loaded knob, that

sticks out & holds the scope in place.It is hollow.

Inside you will find a 3mm alan key.This is what

you need to tighten up.Hopefully this should solve

the problem. :icon_mrgreen:


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I was not happy with my Meade, I know it is a different company. The finder was rubbish the focuser is also rubbish and the diagonal and eyepiece they now come with are not cleaver either. I spent over a thousand on mine within the first week making it something like what I thought it should be for 4000 quid. I would not buy another of any make.

The finder with my SW Mac Newt is mile better than the Meade optically but it don't look so pretty

I think you have a right to expect better than what you have, grease dropping off in the year 2013 It should be better, I feel sorry for you.


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yes I used to hate that finderscope as well, always moving about ....

The real trouble is that it isn't explained very well in the manual , (in fact I don't think my manual shows the same finder, I found the howto in another manual) once you work out how to attach it it then it stays put and works quite well

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The finder scope has a spring loaded knob, that

sticks out & holds the scope in place.It is hollow.

Inside you will find a 3mm alan key.This is what

you need to tighten up.Hopefully this should solve

the problem. :icon_mrgreen:


Thanks for that Steve... Will give it a coat of looking at ( old yorkie saying) :smiley:

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I was not happy with my Meade, I know it is a different company. The finder was rubbish the focuser is also rubbish and the diagonal and eyepiece they now come with are not cleaver either. I spent over a thousand on mine within the first week making it something like what I thought it should be for 4000 quid. I would not buy another of any make.

The finder with my SW Mac Newt is miles better than the Meade optically but it don't look so pretty

I think you have a right to expect better for your money than what you have, grease dropping off in the year 2013 It should be better, I feel sorry for you.


Thanks for that Alan.. I shall avoid Meade like the plague.. I feel for you my problem is small compared to yours. And after spending even more money you would think you'd have a pretty good piece of kit and yes in the year 2013 you'd think that manufacturers would have everything top quality. :smiley:

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Thanks cfpendock and Steve the grub screw thing works whoohoo!!! That's one problem solved and as Billhinge says this isn't explained in the literature that came with it So thanks again guys to everyone who replied to my thread and making me feel better about my purchase :icon_salut:

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I think you are getting excited over nohing i have this finder scope i never remove it and its aligned perfect every time i take it out, my corrector was a million times worse than this and did not boher me i did clean it in the end how do you store the scope ?


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The muck on the correctors may be mildew, not grease. Although these tubes aren't sealed, they can still retain moisture.

To overcome this I made some dessicant caps for my C9.25 from 35mm film canisters and some silica gell bags off eBay.

Pull the caps off the canister, drill some holes in the end, fill them with dessicant bags (still in the bags) and recap. Stick this in the end to prevent moisture lingering. I think the total cost was £2 for 6.

Typed by me on my fone, using fumms... Excuse eny speling errurs.

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That sounds like a good idea Tom.. I cant believe it as mildew. Since having this scope (from new), I have only had it out 3 times due to weather and work commitments, So i don't think its mildew :sad: .. Will be keeping an eye on it..

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