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Saturn 02 May 2013 - Finally processed


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I finally found time to have a stab at processing my data from 02 May.


Processing: R, G + B AVIs -> PIPP -> Reg6 -> WinJUPOS -> PS

I will probably have another go with this data sometime in the future when I have more time.

Also, here are the capture videos, with some loss of quality getting them uploaded to YouTube:

Red channel video:



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Fabulous image - and the videos are a great demo of how the seeing works, giving only very brief sub second moments of clarity and sharpness. But when you stack, align and process the good frames it produces such an awesome detailed shot. (It also shows the effect of a bit of scope vibration near the beginning lol). Awesome image :)

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Thanks for all the nice comments. I am not completely happy with the noise levels in the image, but it didn't come out well if I applied more noise reduction.

Superdavo: Yes, I do find that boosting the colour saturation does bring out more belt detail. The image seems to have lost some colour after being uploaded to the internet, maybe I should have used .png format instead of jpeg. I don't think the double posting is the fault of your Kindle, it seems that problem can affect anybody posting these days.

I am pleased that the capture videos work well when presented with the final image, far easier than trying to describe the seeing conditions. The sudden vibrations are usually caused by big lorries bombing down the A14 which is close to my garden, they can also be caused by me accidentally kicking the pier...



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Nice image Chris! Plenty of detail there but as you say the noise is always an issue. That rippling seeing looks very familiar lol 6/10 seeing would you say? Have you tried the frequency domain filter in image analyser for controlling noise? Neil swears by it though I get mixed results, sometimes it works and on others not so good.

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Cheer James. I got out of the habit posting PNG files because they are quite large with my giant sun and lunar images and I find JPEG at maximum quality works okay for those. However, small planetary images with colour detail definitely work better with the PNG format.

Yes Stuart, I would say the seeing was 6/10 (maybe 7/10 for short periods). That is actually so much better than most recent times where I have not even been able to find a stable focus point. The strange thing for me was that the blue channel quality was much closer to that of the red and the green channels than usual.

I shall have to get up to speed with the frequency domain filter. This tends to take me a while as I like to understand the maths behind these filters before I use them. I think the correct way to reduce the noise would be to use less gain and longer exposures or just stack more frames, though both these methods require more stable seeing. If I had managed more RGB runs that session I could have got the noise down combining multiple AVI stacks of the same colour.


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