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An unusual view of Saturn, 5th May 2013


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Hi all,

My first proper attempt at Saturn this season. As others have noted, the low elevation and bad seeing haven't helped at all. IMG132e, 3000 frames, 3x televue Barlow, 250mm f/4.7 Newtonian.


These cams aren't designed for long exposures, but just for fun I thought I'd see what moons I could capture with a series of 3 second exposures. Here's the result, 50 x 3s and managed to capture 13th mag Mimas and 12th mag. Enceladus. Obviously the planet was hopelessly overexposed, so I inserted the above image and put the layer state to 'difference', and got this rather interesting effect. Not high-res stuff, but a bit of fun.



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Thanks a lot, guys!

Great idea ! Is it possible to capture its moons not overexposed with a decent scope ?

No. You can't avoid overexposing such a bright object when imaging a faint one nearby. Here's a capture I did a while back of Himailia, one of Jupiter's fainter moons. As you see, Jupiter itself is a tiny bit over-exposed! As are Callisto and Ganymede, the bright objects nearly lost in the glare to lower left and upper right. All the other objects are just stars.


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A little trick. Take an image of the moons and an over exposed planet, then take another with a normal exposure planet and just stack them (cut and paste). It's not a foul in planetary imaging and creates some nice full picture images.

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