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Ethos vs Naglers.


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Just wondering what the difference between? (except afov obviously).

If I'm going to swap for example my Nagler T4 17 mm for an Ethos 17mm I'll get better performance or the same with bigger afov? Never used ethos eyepieces that why I'm asking.

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I have not used Ethos EPs either, but everybody that has compared them says the Ethos has the edge over the Nagler in sharpness. Having said that, the 17T4 is hard to beat, and the extra eye relief it has means it is much better for me, because I have to wear glasses while observing.

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I've made the transition from Naglers to an Ethos / Pentax XW line up. My Naglers inlcuded T4's, T5's and T6's. My 31mm T5 Nagler is still with me though.

As well as the FoV gain, which is quite noticeable when you switch from an Ethos to a Nagler, the Ethos provides small improvements in light transmission and light scatter control plus a more neutral tinted view, not that I felt the Naglers had a major tint really but the Ethos are "whiter".The FoV of the Ethos seems flatter than the Nagler.

I found the Naglers very sharp so the gains there with the Ethos did not stand out so much for me.

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From the very brief comparison I have made, under not great skies, that seems to match my experience John. The Nagler is very good, but there is just a little something else in the Ethos.


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I have a few of both and like both, There are not many points in the range where there are the same, 13mm and 17mm I have had both 13mm and would say the Ethos was better, for all the reasons before mentioned by other memebers. I would say that you are not going to be upest by either eyepiece no matter what F/L you choose. I also would say though there are some good S/H deals to be grabbed as people go for the Delos and the Ethos at various focal lengths. Only the other day a 20mm Nagler going for 240 pounds, that's almost 200 quid off !!!!!!


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I have Naglers 31 & 20 and Ethos 13 & 8 and I love them all. On very bright objects like Jupiter there is some ghosting with the Naglers but none with the Ethos.

That's my two pence worth.


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