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Need a wee bit of advice on travel scope.

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Hey guys, need a bit of advice, I'm always in Sicily which has wall to wall clear skies most of the time I'm there. My own scope is here in Scotland and its too big to pack up and take with me. Can anyone advise on a decent travel scope that I could take over with me?



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I have a INED 70 with a Hyperion 24-8mm zoom eyepiece and 2" diagonal - all fits into the supplied travel case. Great for wide field views and can handle higher magnification on planets.

I also use a photo tripod with AZ head.



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I agree with Jules, I'd get a nice little apo refractor. Easy to travel with and robust regarding collimation etc. a small one will go on a sturdy photo tripod.

I have a William Optics SD 66mm which is lovely to travel with, but I do agree if you could get a little more aperture in a compact scope that would be great. Fabulous widefield views, pin point stars and better planetary performance than you would expect for such a little scope.



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What's your budget and weight limit?

Small Apo are nice, but they aren't cheap. Short tube achromat is good for the wallet, but can't take higher magnification. Collapsible Newt like the Heritage 130 is cheap and offers good performance, but can be awkward to hand carry. A full size C6/8 SCT is powerful, but the mount is heavy and likely to use up most of your weight capacity. Finally terrestrial spotting scopes is light, show the image the right way round and can be use in day time for sight seeing.

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Where's Moonshane when you need him to represent the '10" suitcase dob' corner ;-)



here I am!

as it happens I was going to suggest something else. if you are there frequently, why not get a 200mm dob delivered at the place you stay and leave it there? you could always sell it if things change?

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I wouldn't bother with high power viewing to be honest, why look at Planets when light pollution doesn't affect the viewing very much?

How about a Celestron Travelscope 70 or an ST80? Either on a sturdy camera tripod will be fine.

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I tend to agree with the above, a nice widefield scope would be my choice then you don't have to worry about tracking.

The WO 66SD punches well above its weight but a good 70-80 wont be much bigger really. Never looked through a ST80 but people seem happy with them and I guess you wouldn't have to worry about it too much.

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I wouldn't bother with high power viewing to be honest, why look at Planets when light pollution doesn't affect the viewing very much?

How about a Celestron Travelscope 70 or an ST80? Either on a sturdy camera tripod will be fine.

Why look at planets? Two words: clear skies. I can count my views of Jupiter this season from the UK on one hand, not all of 'em great. A couple of nights in warmer climes with a small apo might surprise you :cool:

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Why look at planets? Two words: clear skies. I can count my views of Jupiter this season from the UK on one hand, not all of 'em great. A couple of nights in warmer climes with a small apo might surprise you :cool:

I'm seriously considering a 4 scope set-up now... thanks for that :mad: . How do I convince the OH? :icon_scratch::rolleyes::D

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Hey guys, need a bit of advice, I'm always in Sicily which has wall to wall clear skies most of the time I'm there. My own scope is here in Scotland and its too big to pack up and take with me. Can anyone advise on a decent travel scope that I could take over with me?




I would go with this one if you want and ED scope http://www.firstlightoptics.com/pro-series/skywatcher-evostar-80ed-ds-pro-outfit.html, this one has better build quality and glass but no diagonal, finder or carry case http://www.opticstar.com/Run/Astronomy/Astro-Telescopes-Ascension.asp?p=0_10_1_6_550, and this one looks very pretty http://www.firstlightoptics.com/william-optics/william-optics-zenithstar-zs71-ed-2013.html, if u are not after an ED then you could make yourself a lot of saving.



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