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3x barlow


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I've been very happy and surprised with the results I have had with the skywatcher 2x barlow :)

However, with Saturn being my main planetary target and an ambitious lunar project on my mind, I am after a little more magnification.

I hear a lot about the tal 3x barlow, but I'm not gonna wait forever just to pick one of those up. There is also a televue 3x on astrobuysell but its a little too much for me atm.

Any recommendations? This will only be for imaging with a webcam...not for visual whatsoever.

I have seen this one? http://www.altairastro.com/product.php?productid=16438



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I took the lenses out of my Skywatcher kit barlow to use it as an extension and it does give me a bit more image scale, yes.

I've absolutely no idea what the GSO 3x barlow is like I'm afraid. I picked up a Tele Vue 3x second hand ages ago "because it would come in useful one day" :) I don't think it's too far off the mark however to say that in general their eyepieces and barlows are pretty good value for the money.


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I cannot find an antares for sale unfortunately.

With the minimal reviews I have seen (mainly full of people recommending a tal :BangHead: ) the GSO seems to have good reviews so I think I shall go with that.

However I may give altair astro an email and ask if theirs is a 2-element design, not that I know anything about why a 2 element is better.


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I have the TV 3x barlow also. I know it is a bit much in price for you, but it is quality if you ever get around to getting one. Any 3x barlow under $75.00 will be close in quality, if they are from a reputable manufacturer.

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