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First light with the old Tasco....at last!


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Hi, you may remember I was given an old Tasco 60mm frac a few weeks ago well after weeks of cloud I spotted a break and managed a quick 10 mins outside and I'm happy to report I managed to get about a minute of lovely views of Jupiter.Considering I was using something that's been in a shed for 20 years and was free I am pleasantly surprised. I'm looking forward to exploring some more with this old scope and I love a challenge. Just wish the cloud would go away!

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Im persevering with my 114mm tasco reflector til I get my Dob! With eyepiece upgrades and a decent collimation Im getting some fantastic views. Yes the equatorial mount is pish and shaky and it wobbles like a jelly with the faintest of touches/ breeze - but I got some fab views tonight! Jupiter and its moons - definite bands and really clear. Beehive cluster was stunning, as was Andromeda, and I simply dont know where to start beginning to describe the Orion Nebula :shocked: :shocked: . Just shows you dont need a massive aperture and really expensive kit to really start enjoying the night sky. Can wait for my Dob though :rolleyes:

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Just had another enjoyable couple of hours in the garden viewing Jupiter again and checking out Orion and the surround area.Now I know the old beast works I'm looking in to EP upgrades and also starting a Dob fund!

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Have to say I love this old thing now! Just noticed a break in the clouds whilst in my kitchen so stuck the scope outside popped in a cheap 15mm plossl and with no cool down I managed to sneak a fantastic 20 minutes viewing the Moon with my son.Will be back out later for sure.

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Hey nice one RyanL :laugh:

The Moon was the first thing i see through a telescope and it was through my 1985 Tasco Refractor (in red) which i still have :laugh: . Managed to get Saturn through it too which was fab! Well done for getting Jupiter :icon_salut: The view of the Moon through it is awesome! so crisp and sharp! :laugh:

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Congrats on your first light! I think you may have started something by mentioning the Tasco 60mm as I think quite a few on here (me included!) started with one of those many years ago! I handed mine on to someone else - and it is still in use!


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