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Hi there , I have recently decided ,after a long time of looking up at the night sky in wonder to purchase a telescope. I jumped in at the deep end and bought what I hope is a reasonably good scope a Celestron 6se. Not had a chance to use it yet but looking forward to doing some observing. Think I probably picked the worst place to live though for this hobby (a clear sky in Oldham is a rare thing).

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Welcome to SGL from me too - and yes indeed you have bought a fabulous scope (not that I'm biased or anything ;) ) - you'll get some really good views through it. GOTOs can be a bit tricky to pick up to begin with but it is worth it once you get the hang of it. Do come back and ask any questions if you get stuck, lots of people on here to help.

And hope the clouds clear for you soon :)

Matsey :)

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Read the manual about 3 times. :eek:

Get all your data written down, and assume that anything you do not enter will have a default value for either China or California. :mad:

Then expect to have missed something. :grin:

Also get a 32mm plossl for finding stars. :smiley:

The alignment is not a 2 minute job, takes about 10-15 if it a done reasonably and best if done during some daylight. :cool:

Practise it first indoors where it is warm.

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Thanks for the welcome everyone . The 6se came with a few eyepieces ranging from 4mm , 6mm ,9mm 18 and a 25mm so hopefully got something to suit planetary and star observations. Thanks for the advice Matsey and Ronin . Have been reading up on the subject so will try not to post any daft questions but here probably comes the first . How critical is it to level the scope properly. I have a seperate small round level that came with the 6se but not sure where the best place is to put it . Im guessing I should put it on the silver disc on the battery compartment. There is a fixed level in the mount but the scope looks slightly out of level to the mount. Thanks all. This seems an excellent site.

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Hi again :).

I've always levelled mine just because I've got into the habit. However, from what I've read from others doing their own tests it doesn't make a huge amount of difference if it's not spot on - I'd say just make sure it's more or less level and that will be plenty good enough :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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