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M42 First Light with QHY8L


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I bought myself a 2nd hand QHY8L OSC to compliment my Atik383L and to use in combination with Ha when I don't have enough time to do filters.

This image was just a try out to see if it all worked OK etc, I didn;t have a LP filter (and I live in suburbs of South London) and I haven't yet got the spacing right on the flattener, but the purpose of the exercise was to see how the camera works.

600secs x 10 + 12 x 30secs, only 4 darks

ED80 on NEQ6, first light with finderguider using my QHY5

Rotated 90 degrees and cropped top and bottom.

There are some issues with faint vertical lines in the background which I am trying to fathom out



Edited by carastro
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This image was just a try out to see if it all worked OK etc

It works! Nice framing, and it's all there in great detail. I don't know about the banding but find that a healthy dither between the subs is always beneficial. Maybe with your camera too?


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Thanks Andy and Jessun.

It's not a banding problem like in the DSLR, and I have been onto the QHYCCD forum and so far Mr QHY is asking me whether I am using a USB Hub (which I'm not) and whether I used the fast download speed which I can't remember as was a bit unsure of what i was doing in the software first time around, and others have suggested an independent power source. I've tried it with and without Bias and it's still there, so it's possibly some sort of download or electrical problem. I just hope I can find the cause, but need some clear skies to eliminate.

This is a stretched crop of the problem, but please note I rotated the image by 90 degrees so the lines are actually vertical.


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It may well be worth trying to run the camera from a powered hub, just to make sure it get's the milliamps.

My Lodestar is extremely sensitive to this and a cable just a metre too long from the laptop will cause it to play up. In the case of the Lodestar it gets letterboxed. I solved it by using a shorter cable (i.e. the one actually supplied) but more recently by using an 'industrial' hub, that I power with 12V from one of the the inverters. Cables length and quality is no issue since.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice image Carol, it could be a power issue, the camera is overly sensitive to its power supply needing 12v, not 13.8v as most external supplies give you, most fully charged battery packs will be over 13v too, I'm sure you will get it sorted quicky, I'd start by making sure your in slow download speed as the high on is used for its almost live view function :grin:

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I too have had the same issue with the lines with my qhy8l, though mine are in a grid formation. I have only just got my ccd and have yet to find out the problem myself. What temperature did you run your camera at, and did you cool it down incrementally? My first thought was thermal shock of the chip? As soon as I get home in a week and a half, I will be investigating further and keepin an eye on your post! Great image by the way :)

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  • 7 years later...

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