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Do i really need...........


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What I find is that is that CA develops on the limbs of solar system objects as they begin the leave the field of view. In fairness iits only can observation, certainly not an issue. What I will say despite my love of those tight, sharp refractor views I also have an issue, floaters. I have very large veins in my right eye, not an issue day to day, I can't tell, until I get my scopes out and use high power eps. Right in the middle of my field view I have a series of swiggly lines and little circles with dots in the middle when I look at planets, some nights it makes planetary observation to annoying to tolerate when I use the frac, no such problems when I use the dob....

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That's because the dob has a much larger exit pupil. The bits of floating jelly that cause floaters eclipse the light beam from the eye, and even a little floater can eclipse a light beam 0.5mm wide. Triple the aperture and you get a beam three times wider and much less impact from floaters.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Revisiting this thread, as this notion wont go away. I took a weeks leave from work to give me a long xmas break, hoped to get some astro work in, but wall to wall cloud, very same thing happened last year!

I still feel just a decent 4" longish focal length refractor, the AZ4 mount and my pentax optio for lunar A-focal plus eyepieces are all i really need

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Revisiting this thread, as this notion wont go away. I took a weeks leave from work to give me a long xmas break, hoped to get some astro work in, but wall to wall cloud, very same thing happened last year!

I still feel just a decent 4" longish focal length refractor, the AZ4 mount and my pentax optio for lunar A-focal plus eyepieces are all i really need

Surely its a case of whatever works for you and then if your sure thats all you need, get rid of anything you deffo dont want and never ever will need it again.

Althugh my garage is full of stuff I may just need in the future :grin:


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Surely its a case of whatever works for you and then if your sure thats all you need, get rid of anything you deffo dont want and never ever will need it again.

Althugh my garage is full of stuff I may just need in the future :grin:


Thats what im thinking, only thing thats holding me back, is having spent a few years getting all this together, if i sell it i wont be able to replace it if i regret downsizing my gear

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I think you are asking the wrong question it isn't

"Do I really need.......?" it's

"Do I really want.......?"

Kev, we always want much much more than we need mate. I want a new Lamborgnini but I dont need one. I want my own conservatory with a 30" reflector etc. So I think its more a case of what we need :cool:
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Thats what im thinking, only thing thats holding me back, is having spent a few years getting all this together, if i sell it i wont be able to replace it if i regret downsizing my gear

Jules, I really don't know if such things exists, but would it be an option to rent out a little 'garage' type room. Here in Spain it's almost a necessity to have such a 'trastero' in order to keep one's winter clothes in the summer, for example, to store push bikes, boxes and books etc. I pay about €40 a month for mine and although a right-royal pain to have this expense, the storage room does come in handy and avoids more than necessary nags from my better half :smiley:

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I think you are asking the wrong question it isn't

"Do I really need.......?" it's

"Do I really want.......?"

I know what your saying, and to a small extent your right, but as i have this stuff, i dont seem to get any chance to use it, it takes up a lot of room in a tiny house

@Qualia, im not going to rent a garage, over here they are all damp insecure things, when you can get one and cost a fair bit to rent

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@Qualia, im not going to rent a garage, over here they are all damp insecure things, when you can get one and cost a fair bit to rent

what about a secure lock up. These are avaiable from a fiver a week. I have looked into this once before and the security is usually ok


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they key thing for me is if you won't use something you should crystalise the funds as soon as possible and sell. the hard bit is not spending the money on something else as if you don't you always have it to buy again if your situation changes.

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The key thing is that whatever you do, you do it because that's what you want to do.

If you have one scope you will still need a mount and a box of other bits for ep's and stuff. One more scope ain't really going to alter the indoor landscape that much.

Two scopes is a good place to be :)

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I'm afraid it's bite the bullet time. I guarrantee you will, some time down the line, regret some of the 'moved on' stuff, but that can't be helped.

Have a good think about what stuff is re-get-able in the future. Those things should be on the 'sell' list. If these are items that don't also don't get much use, then this 'might' make it an easier decision. Stress, might.

Don't sell stuff that get lots of use or you love. That'll kill you.

Get a sheet of A4 and write the stuff down. Seeing it writ in black n white is easier to figure out, than mulling everything over in your mind.

Take lots of pics of the stuff you're going to sell. When I get pangs of loss, a wee look at some pics helps and proves to me that I actually just liked having them, rather than using them.


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Forgot to mention............

When mulling things over, have a copy of this tune handy. Blast it out at volume 11, sing in a nasaly way and if your french is as bad as mine, replace the verses with 'haw he haw'



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This time twelve year ago I had the same problem, after years of travel all over the world and making a nice home I decided to leave all behind me and move on, sold the house with all it's contentes, put personal psooessions into boxes and moved out. The time came a few months later when even the personal possessions had to be looked at and I had to whittle them down, I had no regrets putting a lot of things in the bin, maybe my state of mind at the time but looking back I have come to understand what I had to do to save the few bits I wanted for my future life. Inanimate object can be bought again, love is a little bit harder to come by and needs to be kept. :)


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One thing for sure, i wont be buying any astro gear with out getting some stuff moved on. I had figured on selling the 180,but it takes up the least room and has the largest aperture, i really have my doubts about keeping the Antares f15, maybe i should not have bought this, but i had a hankering for one of these for a good while, so at least i have got this out of my system. As i will be keeping the mak, i will have to keep the HEQ5, and this takes up only a little room, i will keep the AZ4 mount, again it takes only a small space, but might shift the tripod it cames with as i have the CG5 tripod and only need one set of legs.

I have to have a 4" f10 frac either keeping the Tal or selling this and getting the Lyra f11

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Forgot to mention............

When mulling things over, have a copy of this tune handy. Blast it out at volume 11, sing in a nasaly way and if your french is as bad as mine, replace the verses with 'haw he haw'



What *are* you on Andy? But, love it! :D just listened to it with a big grin on my face :) (I skipped the haw he haw-ing though)

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