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Looking good for tonight?

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Ho, yes! I'm absolutely desperate to spend the entire night getting really good views of clouds. Only a totally overcast night could possibly satisfy me this tonight. I have all my scopes out cooling to get the best possible views of every single cloud that passes my way. If there are any really good ones I might do a bit of imaging too. I have seen the light (or not). It's clouds all the way for me from now on!


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Ho, yes! I'm absolutely desperate to spend the entire night getting really good views of clouds. Only a totally overcast night could possibly satisfy me this tonight. I have all my scopes out cooling to get the best possible views of every single cloud that passes my way. If there are any really good ones I might do a bit of imaging too. I have seen the light (or not). It's clouds all the way for me from now on!


Looking OK for you on Monday and Tuesday nights James , mind you a lot of crud can blow in by then , fingers crossed eh !


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Looking OK for you on Monday and Tuesday nights James , mind you a lot of crud can blow in by then , fingers crossed eh !

Monday's looking best at the moment, but I'm not going to go betting on anything. Today's forecast changed at least three times since this morning and was still wrong half the time, so I'll worry about Monday when we get there.


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Very much like a war zone here too - fortunately the scuds are being fired at distance, but the light ack-ack seems closer :). Odd bits of cloud and wisps of smoke passing around, but I'll be out as soon as me tea's gone down :). Promises to be a bit nippy so will get me thermals out :).

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The metoffice forecast has looked bonkers for us today here in Beds, saying sunny when we can see a mass of cloud on sat24.com???!

Not sure it'll clear for us but we got a good session in last night, highlight for me was open clusters in Cassiopeia. Good luck if you're out tonight. Mind you I can hear fireworks rumbling in the distance!!

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Well it's sort of clearing here. "Sort of" in that the clouds are moving away, but what's left is distictly orange, and the vis is worse than yesterday. I think I'll give it a miss and stay warm.

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Well, oddly enough the sky has actually cleared here, in a "completely useless seeing" kind of way. I think there's possibly still a lot of high level haze, but there's always a chance it might improve later so I've got the Mak and dob out and I'll redo the polar alignment on the EQ3-2 before the Moon washes out Polaris and then we'll see what happens.


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I thaught it was going to be a good one,scope out and cooled started with m31 nice and bright the swung round and spent a while looking at the ring nebula,alberio was nice then just spent time gazing while i was waitin for jupiter to rise above the houses,came in to get a coffee then back out and yes you guessed it clouds nothing but clouds oh well there is always tomorrow it was nice while it lasted though. :clouds1:

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Well im still out. Had a good look at M45, The Moon and Jupiter, even managed to show my Sister them which was a nice suprise. The clouds can make up there mind though at the moment, its perfectly clear around the Moon, and cloudy enough to block any views towards the west, so i'm going to stay set up and hope for the best, if not, will test my Telrad on another night.

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Well ive just come in. Im afriad the clear skies never really arrived as per the forecast. It went through phases of nice and clear to totally covering parts of the sky. In the end i was too cold to wait around.

Did get the telrad base stuck on and telrad aligned, good views of jupiter and the moon and M45 as i said above. Tried to find M52 i think it was, using the Telrad, but no luck. I wasnt sure that the star on my Telrad map was the one i was actually looking at, i guess this is a common problem? Also with high cloud probably didnt help much.

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I wasn't gonna tempt fate, as they say "what goes up must come down" but down the tube of my scope it wouldn't, this would make a good case under health and safety to get them banned, if some poor soul got hit by one earth bound after all they got to land someplace....

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i assume your talking about fireworks. One of the reasons i don't like them, is that we have Men and Women fighting in wars, and the sounds and bangs we hear for fun over here at the moment, is what they're hearing everyday while their risking their life.

But that's just my opinion.

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Same here, haze-wize: a weird high mist that caused massive halos around the moon and Jupiter.

I tried to use the telrad for the first time as well but it wasn't helping so I resorted to the finderscope - still saw nowt other than m57 and Albireo. I was hoping to catch m27 but I think it was too low combined with rubbish seeing and a washed out moonlit sky. So I gave up.

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