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Eyepiece Case

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I wouldn't worry too much about cutting the foam to be honest - draw an outline around your E/P and cut with a fine serrated blade just inside the line and suppress the foam inside- pretty easy really - anyhows good luck with your hunt at Maplins- a lot of people do use those cases for sure.



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My maplin case has little squares in it, and i just push them down with my fingers rather than cutting. They have kept their shape, and when you close the lid that will help keep it in shape.

Its in this thread here: http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/165170-eyepiece-cases/#entry1671460 - my case is one of the last posts. I have put the extra EP and Telrad in now but have no pic.

Also worth checking out this thread: http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/57027-show-me-your-eye-piece-cases/page__hl__%20eyepiece%20%20case

Hope that helps.

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Thanks Steve. I was wondering whether I should just try cutting it. That was going to be my next question. BTW what did you mean about suppressing the foam inside?

Just literally cut inside the line you have drawn and push the foam downwards - it then acts as a shelf for your eye pieces and bits and bobs to sit on. Some people put the foam block in the freezer for a few minutes to firm it up but I didn't and was really pleased for a first effort. If I do it again, as mine is pretty full now, hopefully should be even better next time. Its a fact of astronomy I think that eventually you will exceed your current storeage capacity so there'll be plenty of time for practice over the years. Good luck - theres plenty of discussion and help on this in the forum as well.

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Just in case, I have had Maplins brochure through the door and their 3 flight case triplet special, is again on offer for Christmas for £24.99. Whilst on cases, those who have bought 15x70 bins in the past, with the soft case, can avail themselves of a nice hard case with shoulder strap from Scope n Skies Astro Boot, this is to fit 20x 80 bins but makes a nice home with extra protection for your soft case and binos, cost £4 with postage :)


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