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Scope resellability

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So it might seem a bit weird me planning to sell a scope before i have even bought one but heres the thing. I currently have the funds in place and would like to buy a 200pds/HEQ5 pro. The thing is my job contract is due to end in June 2013, I have no idea as to what I will be doing next and therefore what the income situation will be. I am reluctant to go and fork out over £1000 when I should be saving it as that could keep myself and my family in our current home for a month and bit. My question is this. If I paid for that set up, how resellable would it be in the future. I know that it is a very popular setup given the relatively easy portability, quality of the mount and the ability for it t be used in astrophotography. If I thought it might sell again (only if I had to) then I might be more incline to make the purchase.

All thoughts welcome.


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A tricky one. It used to be that you could count on 60 - 70% resale if it was kept in good condition but times are hard all round and kit is going ever cheaper as there aren't the buyers anymore and loads of stuff floods the sale boards after folks initial flurry of interest fades. Premium brands hold up better and entry level kit fares worst. Your in the middle and it could be a gamble. However, why don't you buy second hand? Then you should be able to sell for just about what you pay....

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It is very up and down I have been watching some really good bargains for sale and they are still there months later. I would look second hand as Stuart recommends less to loose and if you buy smart it won't be as much of a loss if you do need to sell on

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Several thoughts none of which are really nice.

For funds you realistically need 6 months to a years worth, it takes an agency (if the work is via an agency) at least a month to work out you are available, and in June you are starting the holiday season and no one is around for interviews so nothing kicks off until Sept.

Equally £1000 isn't really that big, bet you go through more then that in a month if you add everything up.

Resale 60-65%. What have you at the moment? As in why not keep that and see what the situation is like in June/July next year.

What is the line of work as well, some may be more in demand then others.

As you are in Redruth would you consider working away from home during the week? Cornwall is nice but not a centre of industry and manufacturing.

Overall I wouldn't make the purchase, you have more doubts then certainties.

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I think you already answered your own question.......YOU WOULD LIKE!!!, but given your current position and your worries about your Family, YOU CAN'T AFFORD!!!!

its a no brainier.......a new toy or keeping a roof over your families heads.

why shoot for the stars with a big setup when you can get a cheap starter kit to see if you actually like Astronomy??? Seems like you want all the gear but actually have no idea whether you will enjoy it. Get yourself a small Dob ( flex tube 130, £150 ish) or a small Newt on a GEM. These won't break the bank and can be sold on without fear of losing hundreds of pounds.

i'm not being harsh.....just pragmatic. By all means save your pennies but make sure that when you do cash in that a/ you can afford it b/ you won't regret it.

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Thanks for your answers so far, which all point in the direction of wait or go second hand. I should add I do have a cheapy 70mm refractor which i enjoy using so my enjoyment of the hobby or growing knowledge base is not an issue. What ever I do will be subject to a lot of conversation with my wife, it will have to be something she is in full agreement with without being nagged or pressured. My current leaning though is to wait until there is some certainty in my future employment.

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Glad you are thinking straight. Take it from a person who has been very impulsive in the past and got myself in a lot of trouble money wise. Much better to play it safe for the time being especially in these uncertain times. Secondhand is deffo the way to go. You can grab a good deal. May be worth seeing if you have any local Astronomy societies nearby that you could join. A/ you may get to have a look through bigger toys b/ you will get lots of good advice c/ you may pick up a bargain.....these guys/ gals are always upgrading.

good luck not only with your future but also with your choices.

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Just to add, there is a HEQ5 and 200P on UK Astro Buy'n'sell for £550. Complete with a few eyepieces too.

As for scope resellability, that all depends on the scope type. I had a newtonian, a Skywatcher 150P. Nice new model in black with white trim, Crayford etc. Couldn't sell it no matter what i did. Ended up selling it for peanuts (in hindsight i should have kept it). Where as people at my club advertise their small neat Apo's and an hour later its sold. And if they bought it secondhand they have recovered all their money, perhaps even made some. I would be very wary of buying a newt new if you are worried you'll need to recover a good portion of the money. Stick to secondhand and a scope that will sell easily. Apo refractor or SCT are sure fire good deals for recovering money, or so i've been told.

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Personally, I'd never buy anything for a hobby that I could not afford to keep in the long term, especially if funds are tight at home. If I were you, I'd buy perhaps a used 150mm or 200mm dob for <£200 and see how you go. That way with these popular models you could sell them easily for more or less what you paid, and qickly most often. Keep the bulk of the finds for emergency and if things improve you can then spend them on other gear like a mount if you want to image.

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Second hand has to be the way forward- let someone else take 'the hit'. Same with new cars, you instantly loose £5000 when drive one off the forecourt!

Plenty of good s/h scopes around if you keep looking- harder to find will be a good mount as these are in shorter supply. But possibly your home & familly should come first?

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Just to add, there is a HEQ5 and 200P on UK Astro Buy'n'sell for £550. Complete with a few eyepieces too.

I picked up this exact setup last year, and although its the old black servo motor non goto HEQ5, and not the shiny new white stepper motor goto mount, its still pretty good for imaging purposes and a very sturdy platform for visual work.

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If I was staring redundancy in the face, the last thing I'd be thinking about is throwing a grand on astro gear.

I'd look at the bigger picture and start thinking about how your gonna make ends meet. Tis your money, though...

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Hey June 2013 is a long way off. A lot can happen between then and now! Nobody has employment beyond tomorrow but I can see why some exercise caution, but as a pererenial contractor / consultant I'm always optimistic.

If you buy a good second hand one, you should net 75 to 80% of your purchase price back! Buy on Astrobuysell and sell on EBay, where prices do seem to mad for some stuff.

Stick to a well known brand, buy quality and enjoy. After all, we only come this way once!

Typed by me, using fumms...

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Hey June 2013 is a long way off. A lot can happen between then and now! Nobody has employment beyond tomorrow but I can see why some exercise caution, but as a pererenial contractor / consultant I'm always optimistic.

If you buy a good second hand one, you should net 75 to 80% of your purchase price back! Buy on Astrobuysell and sell on EBay, where prices do seem to mad for some stuff.

Stick to a well known brand, buy quality and enjoy. After all, we only come this way once!

Typed by me, using fumms...

Couldn't agree more. Virtually all my stuff is secondhand and that includes my camera gear, you save money (or alternatively get better gear!) and cam almost guarantee that you won't lose money on any resale.

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Thanks for you responses. I am not an impulsive buyer and would never fork out a massive amount of money if I thought it might negatively impact my family. I am trying to look at all my options hence the reason for this post. Myself and my wife are currently looking at second hand options but if we decide that I have to wait then i am cool with that, it will make it all the more enjoyable when I am able to make a purchase. The thing I love about these forums is it is amazing how much you can learn before getting a chance to point anything decent at the skies. So thank you for sharing your experience and wisdom on these forums.

Clear skies to you all


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