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First visit to local astronomical society


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Morning all.

On Friday night I went along to the Norwich Astronomical Society as they were having the first talk of the season which was an introduction to astronomy. The talk was very informative but unfortunately the weather was not so kind so we couldn't do any observing afterwards.

So me and my uncle decided to go back last night as the weather was showing clear skies all evening. On the way there i did notice that there was a thin layer of cloud around as you could see it around the moon.

I wasn't really holding out for much seeing but we carried on anyway.

As we got there i could see a great number of stars and i was starting to think that it was going to be better than I first thought. There were people set-up with there scopes so i had a look through them. The most memorable had to be the ring nebula through a 14" Dob. I also got to see M13 globular cluster, Albireo the double star and Andromeda.

The moon looked very nice through my 10X50 bins too!

so all in all considering the seeing wasnt ideal i still loved every minute of it and cant wait to get there again!

If anyone from the Norwich Astronomical Society is a member on here then i wish to thank you for a very informative and friendly evening!

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Well done Lewis - glad you enjoyed your visit to your local [Norwich] astro soc stargazing party - you're one of the few on SGL that seems to engage with local societies which is a pity - I'm unsure why the reluctance - but I expect I'll hear very soon :rolleyes: I'm a great fan of local astro socs [mine = Ewell AS in Surrey] and the BAA :smiley:

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I went to a meeting with the Cardiff astronomical society once and the reason that I haven't gone back is because they did more talking indoors than observing outdoors. (Well, there was a lot of cloud about!).

I didn't realise that there was a lecture going on indoors, twice. The first time I left my scope outside and got worried sick about it and the second time I stayed outside oblivious to the lecture inside.

I prefer meeting the other south Wales members of SGL at Blaenavon. I always learn lots and enjoy observing plus it is free.

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Sounds a great evening, Mansnake and I think this kind of thing can only serve you well; you'll have a more informed decision if and when you ever want to buy more astronomical gear and you learn more about the night sky and where given objects are placed.

Where I'm living in Spain there is a society but it's a bit dificult to get into. They meet once a Friday month in a local park which has worse views than my city roof top and head out once a Saturday month to a site about an hour away which is impossible to get to without a car. But that's fine, SGL is my astronomical society.

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yea it was very informative and I got to see some different scopes in action. the 14" dob is a fantastic bit of kit but it would be too big for me, i also got to see the synscan goto in action and it has confirmed that its the way I want to go. A lot of the people were all saying the best telescope is the one that you use the most!.

I think more people should be more involved with their local groups even if they do just talk alot of the time because of weather. Surely talking about astronomy can further increase your learning and make new like minded friends.

A lot of people I talk to about astronomy just nod and say "that's nice" so it was refreshing to hear the enthusiasm in the voices of people explaining where I could find Andromeda with my bino's and they didn't quit until I found it!

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Glad you enjoyed your visit to NAS. I am a member there & was helping out both nights. It is a very friendly & helpful society. Some very experienced members, great equipment with two society domes & plenty of observing every Friday night on non public lecture nights.


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Hi Paul,

Yea was very friendly indeed! did you have a scope setup last night at all ? ill probably end up becoming a member as its great to be with other astronomers

No not this time I was on car park duty

Membership is worthwhile & you get a discount on the talks too

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Hi Lewis,

Am a member and was helping out both evenings, though more on Saturday as the skies were clearer.

In my second year of membership, and learning from the more experienced members. February this year was superb, great skies, stunning views, if a little cold.

There are talks just for members that are superb, if you are able to make just 1 Friday a month, it's still great value.


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I am also a member at NAS as was there Saturday with my scope, the 5 inche mak goto. Glad you enjoyed your visit, it is a great society, everyone is really friendly and such a help as only been an active astrometry for a month myself so still on a steep learning curve myself.

just now got to wait for some clear Friday evenings


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I'm branching out and leaving the confines of my back garden to attend the WOLAS meeting on 8th Oct. I'm a

bit apprehensive as I think I could be a bit out of my depth with it all but hopefully they will be as

Welcoming as Norwich were to you.

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I'm branching out and leaving the confines of my back garden to attend the WOLAS meeting on 8th Oct. I'm a

bit apprehensive as I think I could be a bit out of my depth with it all but hopefully they will be as

Welcoming as Norwich were to you.

WOLAS are great - well they were for me when I gave a talk a long while back and I see members now and again at other meets :cool:
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Hi Lewis,

Am a member and was helping out both evenings, though more on Saturday as the skies were clearer.

In my second year of membership, and learning from the more experienced members. February this year was superb, great skies, stunning views, if a little cold.

There are talks just for members that are superb, if you are able to make just 1 Friday a month, it's still great value.


Hi Chris,

Are you the guy who gave the sales pitch ? lol

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Visiting / joining local astro societies is a good idea anyway for several reasons including learning new skills, the chance the talk to like-minded people, the opportunity to do hands-on observing, trying scopes before buying your own, not to mention the social side including society meals (star-b-q, equinosh), visits to observatories and other astro-related sites, and ad-hoc observing sessions at members' houses (aka brew and slews).

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Visiting / joining local astro societies is a good idea anyway for several reasons including learning new skills, the chance the talk to like-minded people, the opportunity to do hands-on observing, trying scopes before buying your own, not to mention the social side including society meals (star-b-q, equinosh), visits to observatories and other astro-related sites, and ad-hoc observing sessions at members' houses (aka brew and slews).

I like the sound of brew and slews ! Seeing some scopes up close was a good indication of how they are to handle etc.. so that was a good thing for me. Talking to like minded people on its own was a joy in its self, it was one of the best things about the night.

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Not sure what they could offer me TBH. I've met the Ewell AS observing group (nice friendly group) at our local (SGL Surrey) meets and TBH they're observing in the same place we are except they're paying their subs to do so. We're meeting there for free. Cannot see why I'd wana pay money to observe from a site I'm already using as its open to the public anyway. :huh:

You're wrong or confused Steve - Ewell AS members and their visitors don't pay subs to observe at the/our Ranmore Common site - not sure where you got that info from. :rolleyes:

Perhaps you're confused with Astronomia Ltd of Dorking and their use of RC site to demo/ use Astronomia scopes etc for clients with the fee perhaps to partiially cover public liability insurance[PLI] etc. I won't be attending but read SGL8 camp meet notes with reference to PLI with interest and I'm sure all potential attendees did too - maybe :cool:

ps: The RC site is National Trust property !

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What I meant was the observing side of things is what holds my interest. Not sure I'm that bothered about meeting in a hall whenever they do., so I'd be paying just to attend their observing sessions, and that wouldn't make a lot of sense. If you catch my drift.

That is what I was getting at. :)

I'm sure their talks etc are very informative, but just not for me. As I said they're a great bunch of people and observing with them is fun, and free at the moment, not sure I wanna change that.

Maybe ill change my mind at some point. Never say never and all that :)

Ps I heard astronomias fees were for a curry for their volunteers ;)

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Clear the guys and gals at Norwich Astro Society rub a great society and demonstrates what like minded people can achieve and there are plenty more societies who "do" a lot of astronomy. Sadly in my experience that isn't always so and like Steve (swamp thing) I have resigned myself to do my own thing and set up my own events. I am certainly not going to bash those ineffective societies as I am sure they mean well but it is so easy for them to become a little parochial and cliquish, especially with regards to new comers. Astronomy for me is an activity performed outside not from an armchair.

Lewis, I'm so glad you had a great night experiencing the different kit, meeting new people and learning from their experiences because that's what it's all about. Astronomy be it imaging or observing, should always be more about fun rather than frustration and if there are some societies out there that can practice this in order to encourage new people to participate then that's brilliant and they get my vote.


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Lewis, I'm so glad you had a great night experiencing the different kit, meeting new people and learning from their experiences because that's what it's all about. Astronomy be it imaging or observing, should always be more about fun rather than frustration and if there are some societies out there that can practice this in order to encourage new people to participate then that's brilliant and they get my vote.


Yea had an excellent evening and cant wait to get down there again. As it was my first evening at first i was a bit apprehensive as to what the people would be like etc... but soon i felt like i had been there loads of times before.

It was great talking to people about the skies at kelling etc.. which most of the people there had been.

Its definitely cemented in the love for astronomy which can only be a good thing!

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