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I've been interested in astronomy for quite a while and wanted to observe the skies for myself. I've looked at the moon with a pair of my dad's binoculars but wanted to see finer detail and also look at deep-sky objects. With the help of this forum I decided at long last to buy a telescope - Skywatcher Explorer 200P with an EQ5 mount. I don't really have a clue what I'm doing and signed up so that, should I be unable to find an answer or work it out myself, I can ask you all!

I've also started a blog (the title is a bit deceptive http://teenstargazer.blogspot.co.uk/) which I will use to record my progress, if anyone is interested. Long term goals are to get into astrophotography, but that is far off yet (I have neither the funds, nor the knowledge).

Thanks for reading!

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Welcome to the forum. you are definitely at the right place. I have found answers to all my questions in this forum so far. there are quite a few very advanced stargazers in here and non of the beginners' questions will be left unnoticed/unanswered...


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Hi TeenStargazer and welcome to SGL, I have had a quick read of your Blog, as a newcomer you are not the first to make mistakes in using and setting up a telescope, no will you be the last, the thing is to learn by your errors, enjoy your Astronomy :)


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Hi and welcome to the forum. As others have said, there is no such thing as a daft question though occasionally the replies might be a little suspect! :grin: :grin: The main thing is to take your time, go at your own pace and ask your questions as the need arises. Look out for the primers and tutorials at the top of the 'Beginners Help and Advice' section along with various 'stickies' such as 'Eyepieces - the very least you need', again at the top of this same section. In addition, you might like to download "Stellarium" which is a free piece of planetarium software that you can download here. It has plenty of features built in such as advance date/time to help you plan your viewing in advance and it can be configured from your exact viewing location to mimic the very same sky. There are plenty of other 'toys' to keep you busy when the clouds come in (...hmmm did I mention clouds? :grin: :grin: ).

Clear skies and enjoy the forum!


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