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which moon filter ?

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I am planning on buying a baader moon filter for my skywatcher equinox 120ed pro.Not sure which would be more suitable for my scope the ND0.6 or the ND0.9 ? Can anyone advise please. :confused:


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Hi, the ND96 (0.09) gives you 13% transmission and the ND96 (0.6) gives you 25% transmission, in my opinion the ND96 (0.09) is best, though as Steve says you can get a Variable Polarising Filter as well, transmission usually between 1-40%. They can be a bit of a faff sometimes and I tend to prefer the fixed density Moon filters, it's quicker. Sky's The Limit do the fixed density filters at a good price here: http://www.skysthelimit.org.uk/telescope%20filters.html

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I use an ED120 and larger scopes to view the moon regularly and have never found the need for a moon filter of any sort. I find my eye adjusts quite quickly and I prefer not to put any additional glass (including sun glasses !) in the light path of my scopes if at all possible. I can't see the point in investing in top optics then sticking something of unknown optical quality in there !

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Put the money towards a more useful accessory is my advice.

Never had any problems observing the moon without a filter, this with scopes ranging from 2" - 16" it just isn't needed IMO.

Some filters will actually degrade the view making contrast worse. As John said why put extra glass in there of unknown quality.

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If it is any help and you want to kill 2 birds with 1 stone, i have a Skywatcher Light Pollution Filter (SWLPF) and i have found that not only does it do a very good job of killing the horrid orange glow of LP, but it actually makes a pretty good moon filter also. It certainly cuts down on the glare from a full moon without adding much (if any) false colour.

Could be something worth thinking about if you really want a Moon filter and dont yet have a LPF.

FLO sell the SWLPF for about £30


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+ 1 for John's, Paul's and Umdog's advice.

I was fortunate to have an 0.09 Baader 'schmoon' filter supplied with my Tal 100rs and to date, it hasn't been used that much. As already suggested, viewing a full moon is generally the worst time to view the moon.

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