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Observing Session 25/8/12


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The next observing session will be held on Saturday 25th at Blaenavon,we will have the moon with us untill 11pm and Jupiter will be make an appearance around 1am.Fingers crossed this time folks :smiley:

will be there for this weather permitting!(will take 10" mak now power source sorted) off to turkey for a week to cheer up my missis! good brownie points,and keeps her happy while i get a a starlight focuser! stuy
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I'm not going to this session as even if i have the day off work, ill put myself down to work some overtime so wont be able to go.

Well, its got to be worth a different approach as the last 2 i said i'd attend we've been cursed with darned clouds so hopefully this time it will be third time lucky :)

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I'm actually going to see Michael McIntyre this weekend. The wife booked the tickets thinking it was last year we were going to see him and here we are nearly 2 years after buying the tickets and it's buggered my observing up lol

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will be there for this weather permitting!(will take 10" mak now power source sorted) off to turkey for a week to cheer up my missis! good brownie points,and keeps her happy while i get a a starlight focuser! stuy

Will you be imaging Stuy?

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Do people actual pay to see him.............omg


One of the few MM quotes I can remember is him translating Welsh place names and saying that Newport means 'rough as @@@@!' You're not holding a grudge, Valleyman? :evil:

I will try to make this session - I haven't been to one before....

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