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Yahoo ! New Meade 16" Lightbridge on the way! First Mods??

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Hello All (especially LB owners etc)

Finally received the royal blessing and so, just ordered a new 16" LB. Cannot wait... Now have to decide whether to sell my 6" Newt which is great for quick unexpected sessions or solar viewing, or my beloved 10" Dob. :sad:

I realsie now (this is my second astro summer) there is really no panic with it arriving as I don't really plan on doing much until late July again. Thats not to say, of course, when it arrives I won't bring the beauty for a test drive!

I've heard the LBs need modding, but don't most Dobs in one way or another? Can anyone suggest the priority ones, apart from the Az circle, which is definitely number one?

My first light report will arrive in late July for sure, unless all I have to report is the fine detail on the underside of the omnipotent clouds.


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Congrats it's a great scope, I had one and really enjoyed the views with it.

I kept the 10" I had. Great decision as its a great little grab n go for when hauling out the 16" is impractical.

First mod I'd do is throw the finder in the nearest bin. :D it's junk. Get a Telrad a RACI finder or both.

You'll need some counterweighting system for heavy eyepieces too.

Eventually you'll probably want to replace the focuser. As the standard one is awful.

Obviously a shroud and Dewshield is a must, the secondary is a bit if a dew magnet on these.


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Congratulation on the new scope. Is it the new black truss version?

Thanks Keith, don't know actually. That sounds like a good idea but I don't know. I've been told I'll have to wait a bit, but I can ask.


Thanks for the good wishes. I have a shroud on order and I suppose I'll have to make my self a dew shield. Is it realistic to get a new Telrad base and move the Telrad from the 10" to the 16" depending on what I'm using at the time. I realsie I'd need to realign the telrad each time I swop. Or do I bite the bullet and get a new one. the money is like sand in the fingers at the moment......



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Congratulations on your new LB! If it's new it should arrive with the black trusses and trims, and heavier mirror springs.

All the LB's here in the US have been on back order for some time now. Hope you get your's quickly!

I was in the market for a used 16" a while back when a 12" model appeared in the local ad at a price I couldn't pass up so I snatched it.

I've blackened the truss tubes and all the trims, and also added an azimuth degree circle to the scope since.

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Congratulations on your new LB! If it's new it should arrive with the black trusses and trims, and heavier mirror springs.

All the LB's here in the US have been on back order for some time now. Hope you get your's quickly!

Thanks gents,

Let me put it like this.......I wasn't told there was going to be a big wait......might fire off a quick email...

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Thanks gents,

Let me put it like this.......I wasn't told there was going to be a big wait......might fire off a quick email...

Oh dear, looks like there will be a wait.....mmmm.... don't like the sound of that.


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Oh dear, looks like there will be a wait.....mmmm.... don't like the sound of that.


Oh dear, sorry to hear that - they really should tell you these things before you confirm your order :sad:

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Oh dear, sorry to hear that - they really should tell you these things before you confirm your order :sad:

Ah! the highs and lows of astronomy..we are a resilient bunch. You think you have a great night ahead of you, next minute you look through your eyepiece/finder and find the clouds have crept up on you and....wham... off to bed after clearing up the gear...

But it also works the other way... the guy in the shop told me earlier there was one LB available but there was a lot of interest and he would tell me when the next shipmemt would be in. Acouple of hours later he emailed me to say he'd got it. Nice one. She's a-comin.........Yehar!


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