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Just how large is a Skywatcher 200p Dob? It's this or a Celestron 127 GOTO!

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Well it's now telescope decision time! I've narrowed it down to the two mentioned above after numerous e-mails to FLO (thanks again Martin!).

I think I'm veering towards the Dob but the one problem I have with it is the size. We don't have a lot of space at home so storage could be a problem. Exactly how large is the scope and does it need to be kept in a specific environment?

At the moment my heart says Dob but my head (and my wife) say Celestron 127 GOTO.

Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated!

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im a novice myself but have the 200p and its fantastic, id love goto functionality but its a bit too expensive for me, both your choices are good but id deffo err on the side of the dob, simply for the mirror size and bigger better views of things, we get scopes to look at stuff afterall.

As for size, im staring at mine now and trying to think of an easy way to describe the size so here goes..... Think of your average armchairs cushion, the dob base would take up about that space on your floor and the whole unit stands up to just below my chest height (im 5"11 ish)

as long as you have a wee den type room to leave it in the scope wouldnt be too badly in the way.

bit of a silly way to describe the size but i hope you get my drift!! I also have a 127mm AZ tripod mounted scope and it actually takes up more space unless you demount the tube and fold up the mount ( which gets to be a chore to do )

Have fun


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as already said the its appox 55" high and the base is 52cm dia, but bare in mind the celestron 127 scope is small but the tripod with legs extended is a lot more than 52cm and a 8" dob will give far better light grasp ,its a dob for me...

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Dob! If you're going to be purely visual - which I think you must be as both of these are alt/az, then it's got to be all about the aperture! The difference between the 5" of the Celestron and the 8" of the dob is enormous. I started on a 5" and moved to an 8", and couldn't believe the difference. The only caveat I would add is that until you've had the 5", you just won't realise how much more you are seeing with the 8"!

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Thay are not too big as stated above and worth it for the greater aperture. If needs be you can split the base and tube really easily and store separately. They are easy to carry once split but personally I don't find it's necessary unless going up a flight of stairs or something like that. I just keep mine in the garage.

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if the missus isn't too happy, tell her you'll buy her some new shoes out of the money you saved getting the dob.

...and on the quiet, do a deal with me - I'll sell you some of my missus's million pairs of shoes. Seriously, she doesn't even know she has half of them. About 30% have never even left their boxes!

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About 30% have never even left their boxes!

like some people's eyepieces recently!

to be fair my wife does like the special stuff, moon, Jupiter, Saturn, not so much Mars and maybe the Orion Nebula but faint galaxies? yeah.....I'm off in - I'm cold.

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Several times I have come in going'I've finally spotted such and such! Come and look!" only to be rewarded with: "Isn't that the one you saw last time?" or "You can't see much, can you? Aren't the pictures on your computer better than this?" Bless her lol

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Thanks for the info everyone. I think it's the Dob for me. Wife is currently sat next to me reading the replies and loves the 'pair of shoes' idea (after all, she only has a few hundred pairs).

Next question, what eyepieces would people recommend?

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personally, I'd not buy new eyepieces just yet. see how you go with the supplied ones. A Telrad or other red dot finder (I have used and liked Rigel Quikfinder and Baader Skysurfer 3 also but prefer Telrads for dobs) will be a much better buy - makes finding things a lot easier - no good for shoes though.

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as moonshane says. id use the supplied e/p's for a bit. but a telrad would be a great addition imo.

200p skyliner isnt as big as you think. the room it takes up compared to my old refractor on a eq3 mount is pretty much the same. so i doubt the celestron 127 is no shrinking violet either.


heres a pic with me next to my 200p. im 7ft 6" tall :evil: . lol, nah, im 5ft 10" ish.

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i just bought a 8mm and a 18mm BST Explorer ED Eyepieces and a Vixen NPL 30mm eyepiece and also a Tal 2x Barlow for my skywatcher 200p dob hopefully that should cover most bases. Can i just say this company is fantastic for customer service and delivery speed i cant recommend them enough such a great guy to do business with and no im not and employee :)


His name is Alan and will look after all your needs. He also has a ebay shop.

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