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Genuinely Confused 16" LB or SW

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Hello all, recently posted a question on pros and cons of each telescope above. I can get them at the same price now, possibly slightly better deal on SW (very slight) but just dont know which way to go. My heart tells me Meade. Like the roller bearings, primary fan, the truss poles, position of focusser, the general look, but then I hear the coatings are better on the SW. Is the build quality any better in the SW. I do like the cooling fan and the position of the focusser. Are they about the same weight? I'm fretting a little here, €2k is a lot to hand over.....

Can someone win the argument for me..... please.....


Edit - just noticed posted in wrong thread, can any mods move this to the Scope Discussion section please, thanks


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I think the Skywatcher Flextube 400 is heavier than a Meade LB 16. The Flextube 350 that I had a short play with at the SGL starparty certainly seemed pretty massive and the 400 I'm told is even more so.

I know one SGL member decided that a 14" Orion Optics dob with 1/8th wave PV optics was a better bet then either the Meade or Skywatcher 16" being only a few more £'s, of warranted optical quality, much lighter and, with Hilux coatings and the superior optics, at least a match for the Chinese 16" scopes performance-wise. But you probably don't want other options at this point !

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Bart, nice dilemma to have!

I'm not familiar with either scope but have been in a similar situation when choosing a solar scope, and the advice I would offer is go with your heart. I studied the specs in minute detail of my possible candidates, went round and round in circles......then chose the one I really wanted. You'll have it a long time (hopefully). Both are good scopes, both have pro's & con's...get the one you fancy!

Possibly no help to you whatsoever.......

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if not in a rush you might find a used mirror set on AB&S (or put a wanted ad on). I saved a substantial amount of money buying my 16" 1/8PV OOUK mirror set on AB&S. I had to drive to Oxford and make my own base etc but it cost a fraction of that of even a new SW.

of the two choices mentioned. I'd go with the Meade as it seems a little more transportable to me (although the break down nature of the SW base is good - I see your problem).

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We only have the 12" and have only had it a week, but the Meade is very well made and very smooth to operate. Only had 1 chance to look through it in anger, but was very impressed. Oh and its a doddle to take apart and set-up again.

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Thank you all for your comments. This is a tough one. But I might just go for the Lightbridge, its the one I want, I think. I'll let you know which way I go and what happens if and when I get it. There will be a reasonable delivery time , which, to be honest, doesn't bother me, as the skies are terrible at the moment and not dark enough to make a proper comparison against my 10". Thanks again for all your input.

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I've used both the LB and the Skywatcher 400p auto next to one another several times. The LB was mine and the Flextube an observing buddies. I've since sold the LB

if I wanted to go back to a 16" scope and these were the choices. I would buy another LB. Portability being the deciding factor.

They both give great views but both have issues that need looking at.

To be brutally honest I wouldn't buy either. I would do what I'm doing now, and that is build one myself. if you can't build one, start, either, honing your DIY skills, because neither of these scopes are great out of the box or, keep saving and buy a premium Dob to start with.

Let's be honest neither of these scopes is an obsession. They're not even close if I'm honest. Ive had the pleasure of using one of these too, and it leaves these two way, way behind for quality. Ease of use, portability in fact every department the obsession is head and shoulders above these two.

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I'm sure you're right regarding the Obsession, these are probably way behind. I'm not sure I have the patience for a build and neither do I have the spons for the Obsession, so it looks like an LB or a SW. I think I'll go for the Lightbridge. I'll save the Obsession for when I need to cure the next episode of EP/aperture/kit fever....Please let that not happen for a long time....it's killing me......

Thank you everyone for your useful and informative input, much, much appreciated


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my cure for aperture fever was a 16" dob and seeing my mate's 22" f5. as beautiful as it is, I could never afford it and prefer to have an eyepiece at a standing height rather than 9 fee in the air!

Absolutetly. When i get this, I know this is as big as it gets for me.I know I must resist the green thereafter. They will be reserved for 50ths, retirements etc revenge etc

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