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Saturn May 16Th Repro

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Experimented with different stack sizes and basically the bigger the better producing not only a smoother image but a more defined cassini.

This is 7000 stacked from PIPP quality selection and AS!2. I also used more noise reduction in registax wavelets combined with extra sharpening.

1.5x drizzle downsized 85%


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Experimented with different stack sizes and basically the bigger the better producing not only a smoother image but a more defined cassini.

This is 7000 stacked from PIPP quality selection and AS!2. I also used more noise reduction in registax wavelets combined with extra sharpening.

1.5x drizzle downsized 85%


Nice Stuart, what are you saying the resample is helping in the processing, and final result ? Basically the bigger the better statement.

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That is nice Stuart. You have managed to pull out good detail on the disc without even coming close to burning out the Cassini division. Interesting idea about stacking that many frames, I shall have to give that a go myself.



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Nice image Stuart - as long as the raw data is reasonable I'd allways use 1.5x drizzle in AS!2, but 3x requires really exceptional data to carry that sort of interpolative upscaling...

With more frames usually aspects like the Cassini Division will be enhanced, as will colour defnition between bands (but not the actual delineation irregularities thereof) but there will also be a trade-off of actual detail within the bands at some point (cloud details, storms etc) because ultimately too much of the lesser quality frames will impact upon the sharpness/resolution/clarity of the better ones that display this info...:hello2:

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Thanks Chris!

Cheers Darryl as you say if seeing is consistent then extra frames improve detail. Just ran the avi through reg 5 and it shows a massive 9500 frames out of 11000 are within 95% of the reference frame! Its a shame as!2 does not give this information.

Thanks Rob!

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nice work Stuart, :hello2: I'll try running my good avi's from the 28th through reg 5. there's such a fine line between to little and to much. i find stacking too many >2500 blurs the cassini.


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Thanks Chris!

Cheers Darryl as you say if seeing is consistent then extra frames improve detail. Just ran the avi through reg 5 and it shows a massive 9500 frames out of 11000 are within 95% of the reference frame! Its a shame as!2 does not give this information.

Thanks Rob!

I actually prefer AS!2s graphical display of quality as it is not a relative (to the best) assesment but rather it uses the same standard to judge each image.

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