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Goodbye Astronomy


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Well it is with deep regret that I am having to give up this wonderful hobby of ours. Continued bad back and Kidney problems mean I can no longer gaze upwards.

the Dob is sold and the Startravel is on ebay from today.

I will be here on SGL keeping an eye on you guys and may pop up and see you on a viewing night at Blainavon.

You have in the South Wales Group some dedicated people and I would like to thank Garth and Matt for the excellant job they have done here in the valleys in developing this group.

This is not my farewell, just taking a big step into the background.


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Sorry to hear that Pat but as with everything else in life your health and family must come first. Haven't had the chance to meet you in person but often hear Mat talk about you in very positive way - hopefully you will still be able to make the occasional get together in Blaenavon and remain a major contributor to the forum

take care and best regds Steve

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Really sorry to hear this Pat - maybe binoculars, a cantilever binocular frame and a lounger can keep you at it? This is one of the most enjoyable ways of viewing the night sky with zero exertion on your body apart from getting on and off the lounger.

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really sorry to hear about this pat, like mat your more than happy to borrow any of my equiptment at any time just ask :( hopefully you can come to some obvsering meets like steve said perhaps a bino and lounger would be a good idea?

hopefully will see you soon :( give me a ring any day too


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really sorry to hear your giving up pat

i suffer from a bad back and kown what it feels like

just like to say a big thank you for the work you have done getting this group going

keep it touch i think i still owe you a pint


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Very disappointing that you are unable to enjoy the night sky anymore Pat. It's hoped that the problems with your health might improve enough to allow you to take it up again.

Anyway, I wish you well, and hope you do stay on here to keep in touch, especially with your mates in the Wales group, who I'm sure will miss your input.

Take care.:(


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Pat, really sorry to hear you're giving this all up. such a shame that ill health has robbed you of something you really enjoy.

please keep in touch, this place wouldn't be the same without you here. hope you can make some of the up and coming meets at blaenavon, it would be great to catch up with you again. I have been meaning to get to one of those the last couple of months, and hope to soon.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Pat, Firstly let me say im very sad to hear your taking a step back from astronomy and secondly i sincerely want to thank you, you see i bought your Skywatcher 200p flextube dob and have had some stunning views with her. I have bought a selection of half decent eyepieces and a decent barlow. I have had exellent views of M3, M5 and M44 also had amazing views of the moon and not bad views of Mars and Saturn simply blew my socks off. You can rest assured that i will take very good care of her and continue to use and appreciate her for many many years to come. Although i dont want to wish the summer away, i really cant wait for it to get dark again nice and early so i can view Jupiter and orion and some Galaxies. I wish you all the best mate and good luck with you health.

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