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SW Astronomy Fair

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Just to say that FLO's office will be closed tomorrow and Saturday while we prepare for and attend Saturday's SW Astronomy Fair

If you are there, don't be shy, come and say hello :(

Greg and I will be manning FLO's stall in the main tent (next to Dr. Chris Lintott, who will be signing his book 'Bang' The Complete History of the Universe).

If last year's event is anything to go by, it'll be a great day out!

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Just to say that FLO's office will be closed tomorrow and Saturday while we prepare for and attend Saturday's SW Astronomy Fair

If you are there, don't be shy, come and say hello :(

Greg and I will be manning FLO's stall in the main tent (next to Dr. Chris Lintott, who will be signing his book 'Bang' The Complete History of the Universe).

If last year's event is anything to go by, it'll be a great day out!

It certainly was a great day out especially as the weather was glorious and the event was well attended. I did not make it for the evening part but it started clouding over and then rain at around 2300 here ( about 21 miles from Sidmouth ). I saw Steve and 'Phattire' and bought some Celestron binoculars when my wife wasn't looking !.

Here is a link to some pictures that we took on the day :--- http://www.swarmrocketry.co.uk/astrofair.htm


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I saw Steve and 'Phattire' and bought some Celestron binoculars when my wife wasn't looking !.

Here is a link to some pictures that we took on the day :--- http://www.swarmrocketry.co.uk/astrofair.htm


OMG! :shock: I'm in one of the photo's (or at least the back half of me is). I'm on the fifth photo down facing away from the camera...

Lucky you Jim - every time I nearly plucked up the courage to defy my wife and buy kit (the Baader Hyperion Zoom was particularly appealing) I felt a tug on my arm as she returned from wandering... :?

I enjoyed my all too brief visit - The FLO stand was loaded with fantastic scopes and I got a chance to speak to Greg (Phattire) and Jim but not enough time to speak to Steve really. :) Greg set up a PST with the Hyperion zoom and we were able to see a prominence and what was possibly the beginnings of a sunspot. The zoom eyepiece is fantastic. It clicks through 24mm, 20mm, 16m, 12mm down to 8mm. Going down from 24mm a very slight refocus was needed only by the 12mm setting. I'd love to see how this eyepiece performs at night...

The weather was great; clear and warm but not too hot and I was able to take my daughter to the beach afterwards as a reward for sitting through one of the planetarium shows without misbehaving. She came out telling everybody she'd been stargazing and that her Daddy was going to take her to a starparty :( Its moments like that when all the hassle she usually causes seems worthwhile!

There was also a stand offering some pictures taken by Nik Szymanek which really took Kate's fancy so she bought several. We spent the car journey home after a great day out with me mulling over a comment made by Kate about needing a new shed in the garden for my astrokit ( :shock: 8) ) and, wait for it... Kate saying that she'd really love to be able to take photo's like the ones she saw today. :cheers:


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I saw Steve and 'Phattire' and bought some Celestron binoculars when my wife wasn't looking !.

Here is a link to some pictures that we took on the day :--- http://www.swarmrocketry.co.uk/astrofair.htm


OMG! :shock: I'm in one of the photo's (or at least the back half of me is). I'm on the fifth photo down facing away from the camera...

I'd love to see how this eyepiece performs at night...


Hi James,

I do remember our 'brief encounter' !! We have more photos of you at FLO's shop if you would like to see them !

I have a Baader Zoom and since I live about 20 miles from Taunton you could always come to Cullompton and see the eyepiece in action before you commit yourself to buying one ( might as well buy one anyway as they really are that good ! ).

Take care.


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I arrived with the wife (so absolutely no chance of making a purchase of any new kit) after a four and a half hour journey from Swindon. The M4/M5 was nose to tail and first gear for most of the way.

It was all worth it though. Lots of lovely kit to drool over and my first look through the PST. There were 3 or 4 on show and through the H-alpha there were some excellent prominences to be seen.

A great day, but I wish we’d all worn SGL badges to enable us to easily identify each other. I did try to catch up and say “hi” to Steve but he seemed very busy and I didn’t want to get in the way.

I’ll post my pictures soon.


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