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Cumbria Star Party 6 - May 25th - 27th

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Howdy Folks,

We had a little get together over here in Cumbria last weekend and it was great. The skies let us down a tad but reprieved themselves at silly o clock in the morning Luckily we were all still having a little social beverage so we were all still awake. We even have a camp fire now which came in useful at those times of morning.

We have planned the date for the next one which is May 25th for the weekend. These CSP's are a real good social event, enjoyed by all.

I am sure the previous threads are still on SGL if you would like to have a look, they will let you get a feel of how they go. They can be viewed by searching Cumbria Star Party in SGL.

For people who have not been before, when clear the skies are great and we are all out in the fields viewing. When cloudy we are in the barn chatting, peaking out for any clear patches.

The cost to come to our star party is £10 per person per night. I can provide bacon sandwiches in the mornings at a cost of £2.00 each. There is tea and coffee available all the time. We have a BBQ which we cook on, recently we have all been chipping in for food for the weekend. It seems to work well.

If you would like to join us for a great weekend just leave a post on this thread. You will be more than welcome,

Speak soon,

Clear skies,


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Hi Nina,

I'm really gutted I can't make this, I hope you all have a great time with clear skies. :(

For anyone thinking about going to a star party for the first time I'd highly recommend CSP (this will only be the second one I've missed). Nina is a great host, everyone is really friendly and whether it's clear skies or not you will have a brilliant time. :D:)


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may take a little look at this. i will be coming from Worcester, but i just want to get around people who know their stuff and can enhance my understanding and enjoyment of this new hobby i have

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Hi Folks,

I am so pleased you can all make it. Shame about Steve, James cannot make it either.

Mrnumpty I hope you can get over. You will have a great time,

I know it is early but I have been checking the weather out on some sites and it is looking good. Fingers crossed.


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Hi Nina,

Please put me on your list!

I had a great time at CSP5 and really look forward to coming back again. It was good to pick up hints & knowledge from everyone and also to put photography aside for a while and have a good look at Saturn*.

Looking forward to it & fingers crossed for the weather :hello2:



* OK, I took a few of Saturn using my i-phone, but that was it. Honest.

BTW, did I show you the time-lapse stuff I did as dusk fell?

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I was hoping to make this one but I'm afraid I can't either.

I hope everyone has a fantastic time and the weather is clear.

To anyone thinking of attending I'd certainly recommend it,

its a great event with lovely people and with great skies.


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Hi Nina,

I hope to see you and the early arrivees on the Thursday 24 May for one night, then I am meeting my DAG friends on Friday and Saturday in the Lake District, hoping to go fell-walking and return to the Star Party safe and sound on Sunday ( time depends on the volume of booze consumed on Saturday night!!!).

I will then stay until Wednesday morning.

Trust I will be able to meet up with the other campers.....



PS don't let them drink all the whiskey before I get back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Nina,

It's less than a week to the start of the party.

I have the roof rack on the car.....

Getting excited already and the early weather forecast looks excellent...


I spoke to Reg last night, he is hoping to be able to make Thursday night.

He is getting a lift from Janet, a DAG member, so she will spend the night stargazing as well. Trust this is ok with you as Janet is keen to attend a star party and discover the joys of barn life!!

I hope to arrive around lunchtime.

I think we will organise a social evening meal for Thursday. I will phone Mike today.



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Hi Adrian,

Pleased Reg is coming it will be lovely to meet Janet, what a good first star party for her, especially if the forecast is too be true.

Our very 1st star party was clear all weekend. Steve, through looking at the solar scopes and also collimating etc my scope burnt the back of his neck, one to remember, hopefully we will need to get the suncream out.

I am starting to get ready for our weekend. Do you think we will need the fire? If we will, I will get some wood brought round to the barn.

I still have not heard from Andy Keogh, starting to get quite worried about him and Sandra, I have pm'd quite a few times. Now I know what I put everyone through whilst going through my ostrich stage, not good. If you read this Andy - I hope you are both ok, We are all thinking about you and hope Sandra's health is good.

Speak to you all soon, please don't mention the c***d word as I have got an order in for clear skies and am quietly, very quietly, confident it shall be granted, and please please no new telescopes :-)

Cannot wait till the weekend



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Our very 1st star party was clear all weekend. Steve, through looking at the solar scopes and also collimating etc my scope burnt the back of his neck, one to remember, hopefully we will need to get the suncream out.

Yeah I remember, it was an amazing first star party, brilliant clear skies day and night. Both myself and Tom looked like lobsters after the first day, Jonathan was the only one who remember to bring sun cream but by the time we realised it was already too late. ;)

Luckily you had some aftersun cream to help with the sunburn, so be warned everyone!! :):D

I still have not heard from Andy Keogh, starting to get quite worried about him and Sandra, I have pm'd quite a few times. Now I know what I put everyone through whilst going through my ostrich stage, not good. If you read this Andy - I hope you are both ok, We are all thinking about you and hope Sandra's health is good.

Seconded, I hope your good Andy and that Sandra is keeping well. :)

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